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Bach Flower and the Immune System

This research on “Bach Flowers and the Immune System” can be a little overwhelming for some of you who are reading it for the first time! So just take a deep breath and try to read between the lines… You will get out of it what you need to learn right now, and more understanding will come later.

Remember that “Life is a journey, not a destination”

Bach Flowers and the Immune System;

Researchers in immunology have shown that negative feelings and stress weaken our immune response. The number of killer cells in the blood that destroy viruses and bacteria, for example, is significantly reduced in people who are depressed or resigned. Thus it’s more difficult for these people to cope with illness-causing agents.

If the negative feelings are harmonized, however, the immune system will be strengthened and can deal more effectively with incoming pathogens. From this point of view, Bach Flower Therapy can be seen as a new and effective form of psychological preventive health care.

From the viewpoint of natural healing, Bach Flower Therapy can be seen as a cleansing and re-tuning therapy. Just as the metabolic waste products and leftovers from bad nutrition weigh on the physical body and can cause disease, so can psychological “waste” psycho-toxins hinder our physiological metabolism and the adequate simulation of mental and emotional impressions and responses. These psycho-toxins are washed away or transformed through the consumption of Bach Flowers.

Health in an ideal state, is the harmonious vibrational balance within and between all layers of the aura and the spirit.

The disease is, according to its interpretation, disharmony or the distortion of frequencies within or between different levels of the aura and the spirit. The information pattern of the distortion shows itself in the etheric level - which obeys different laws of time in the physical body weeks, months, or even years before it is manifested in the body.

The deeper reasons for most diseases can be detected within the emotional and mental levels of the aura as well, where subconscious and perceived reactions to feelings and thoughts are either blocked or stimulated. This leads to distortions in the energy frequencies and hence to negative states such as fear, hate, jealousy, anger, impatience, and sadness. These act through the etheric level, first on the nervous system of the physical body and later in the organs.

Bach says that the Flower Essences Open our channels to the messages of our higher self or spirit and that they act in all layers of the aura. While Bach Flowers are active as

“divine impulses” reach all levels of vibration, other drugs and therapies affect only certain levels, mainly in the physical body.

The aura encompasses all of the personality levels of consciousness and experience. On the trans-personal level, the higher self or “Spirit” forms the bridge between the personality and the soul. The soul's personality is made up of the union between the spirit and body.

The Flowers that Bach used are “plants of higher order.” Each of them embodies a certain potential for the Soul that is expressed through its particular vibration. Each of these “Floral” Vibrational patterns corresponds to a matching Soul frequency within the human energy field. The human soul carries in principal all of Bach’s 38 flowers in the form of virtues, the archetypal repertoire of harmonic behavior patterns, ( Things that you have learned from Prominent figures in your life like mothers, fathers, friends, teachers, etc. that have helped you to understand earthly and heavenly things that make up who you are, as you choose your own Yen and Yang. Then you begin to decide where you fit in this life) As you grow and mature some of those things will change through new choices you make.

The Bach Flowers are balanced differently in each of us.

If for a potential such as self-confidence, there is a misunderstanding between the spirit and the body, (soul.) Intentions and the understanding of the personality, the frequency of the potential will be distorted and will become evident as a negative behavior pattern in the personality presenting, for example as a lack of trust in our abilities.

The frequency of the Flower Essence “Larch” corresponds to the potential that has to do with self-esteem. Taking Larch sends harmonizing impulses into the specific area of the human energy field that is distorting this potential and Helps to hold the positive emotion for a while and helps to keep it in a safe place for you. When taking Larch over time, it re-harmonizes and reestablishes the positive behavior pattern; lack of confidence transforms into self-esteem, harmonizing the self “chatter” into self-talk that is working together for you.

In other words, the Bach Flower acts as a catalyst, recognizing the specific, blocked contact between the soul and the personality. The soul can be heard again by the personality. Where there are those harmonies and rigidity, Life flows once again. Or as Bach put it, “A person that wasn’t quite himself anymore is now restored to be fully himself.”

(Etheric) The etheric body, the ether-body, is the first or lowest layer in the human energy field or aura. It is in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with higher bodies of energy.

Bach Flowers help to connect the bridge between the spirit and body.

Dr. Edward Bach


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