The Effect of Thought on Health and Body
The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. Health, like circumstances, is rooted in thought.
Strong, Pure, and Happy thoughts build up the body in Vigor and Grace. The body is a delicate instrument that responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.
If you would perfect your body, then Guard your Mind. If you would renew your body, then Beautify your Mind. Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, and despondency will rob the body of its Health and Grace. Words by James Allen (As a Man Thinketh)
How are You Linking Your Emotional Information?
We do not retain information without feelings (emotions) attached to it. So how are you linking your emotional information from the outside world? Here are a few things to think about. Do you focus on your past? Keyword, Focus. A good mantra would be, “My past does not equal my future.” Every day is a chance to start over. From the minute you wake up, you make choices. Learning how to let go of the past means breaking bad patterns and focusing on creating the life you deserve. Honeysuckle
Embrace your life. The past is never a loss to us. We carry it with us everywhere we go. It is in every cell of our Body and our Soul. It is where we have been; it is where we learn to love; it is where we made our mistakes and where we can consign them. The gift is knowing the present, we will soon pass, and the way we embrace life has the power to change everything. How are you embracing your life today? Chestnut Bud
Try focusing to be mindful of the present. The present is where you should be now - moving forward. There is nothing more powerful than the human soul rooted in the present moment, free from the past and the future. Saying that our past Is important to remember and learn from instead of living it day by day. It will help you create better learning experiences in your present, which will help to fulfill better choices going forward towards your future. Clematis
Teach yourself to be in the present, the moment you are living now. If you want more Joy, more Happiness, more Fulfillment, engage with them in your real-life present time!
Beware of your phone screen! How much time are you spending on it? What are you learning from it? Are you choosing things to help you to become a better person? Are you choosing things that will help lift you and bring more Joy and Happiness to your life? Are you becoming more efficient within your own creative self? Or, are you giving into the temptations of technology that can move you out of your present reality to become someone you're not? Centaury
I'm not saying that technology is bad; it is frankly quite amazing. But what are you spending most of your time doing when you're surfing the technology that is everywhere for you to see or participate in? Do you ask yourself; What am I choosing to look at? What are the negative mental effects of technology? The most negative talked about effects of technology on mental health emotions are feelings of missing out, which increases the risk of depression and anxiety. Does it sometimes bring Fear? Do you sometimes ask yourself, where do I go from here? Will I ever find Joy in my life again? Mimulus
Is it hard for you to Bring the Intentions of your past to the moment you are in now, your present time, and if so, what are you bringing with you that is creating better experiences for your present moments in time? Or are you judging yourself against someone else on a daily basis? And if you are doing that, how is that helping your self-esteem? So who are you? Are you allowing your true self to be the person you were meant to be? Larch | Pine
Look around you and find the beauty that surrounds you. When you are always looking back, it can create fear of what lies ahead, which will create a loss of interest in the present, which slows down your vital forces. What you want to bring forward from the past is your experience of essential values, which can be helpful in your progression forward for your mental states of mind to find joy and contentment within during your journey forward.
Wild Oat
Be purposeful in choosing the friends that surround you. Good friends will help lift each other to be better than they think they can be. Learn that Self-Control is Strength, Right thought is Mastery, and Calmness is Power. Say to your heart, "Peace, be Still."
You've Got This!! Mustard