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Heart and Heart Wall

The Heart Brain;

Your heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ in your body. When you were in the womb, your heart was formed first, before your brain. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year, and if your brain were severed, it would keep right on beating.

(Your heart is the core of your being,(Soul) it is the core of who you are.) New research shows that our heart is much more than a mere pump. In the 1970s, scientists learned that the heart has an elaborate nervous system, a discovery that led to the creation of a new branch of medicine known as neurocardiology.

The fact is, we all have two brains. Much to the scientist's surprise, they discovered that the brains in our heads are all "obeying" messages sent by "the brains in our hearts."Your heart is constantly sending out information to your body. Every beat carries critical messages that affect your emotional and physical health.

When you feel love towards someone, you are sending out a powerful electromagnetic signal to them, using the Heart Brain. Medical research experiments have repeatedly shown that there are measurable positive effects on the body when we feel love and appreciation toward someone else. The same benefit occurs in your own body when you are on the receiving end when love and appreciation are being broadcast toward you.

This can create positive or negative feelings depending on the intent given and received.

Scientists have discovered that the electromagnetic signals radiating from your heart are detectable in the brain waves of another person. This phenomenon is strongest when two people are touching or are near, but is measurable at a distance as well.

The heart has its unique intelligence. It can think, feel, and remember. There is now considerable evidence that the heart contains memories and feelings. A large number of heart transplant recipients have reported new food and drink preferences and cravings, as well as handwriting changes, musical preferences, and memories that don't seem to be their own.

What's a Heart Wall?

Have you ever felt that you needed to put up a wall to protect yourself in a negative situation? It appears that this common phrase has a basis in reality. We call this phenomenon the "Heart-Wall" and here is how we were led to discover it. People deal with uncomfortable situations all the time. Some attack, some retreat, and some hide, but usually, we feel the need to defend and shield ourselves from being hurt. Your heart is the core of your being.

"Your subconscious mind knows that it must protect your heart, it must protect your delicate core in any way it can!! Words like "heartache" and "heartbreak" are so-called because of the peculiar physical sensation that occurs in the heart under strong emotional stress. Nearly everyone has felt this sensation at one time or another. Trapped emotions have substance. They consist of energy, just like everything else. When trapped emotions are created, they must reside somewhere in your body, and sometimes they will lodge in and around your heart. Your subconscious mind, which knows no limits, will sometimes use the energy of these trapped emotions to create a barrier or shield around your heart. It creates a wall of energy around your heart, to protect it.

Dr. Bradly an EFT "Emotional Freedom Technique" Practitioner told a story of one of his patients. "One of my patients had learned to protect her feelings from childhood. She retreated to safety inside of herself, shutting out some of her positive feelings, and avoiding connection with those to whom she felt vulnerable. When there were volatile episodes in her home, she felt fear, resentment, and other negative emotions, some of which she expressed, but many that she internalized. Some of these feelings were never fully processed and they became trapped energies in her body. While she was constantly doing her best to deal with life, at the same time her subconscious was building a wall, and ultimate protection against her heart from being injured again. Each new trapped emotion gave her "Heart-Wall" additional thickness and strength. As I continued working with her we eventually got to the last trapped emotion. That day something very interesting happened".

She said, "For the first time in my life, I am not on the outside anymore, she told me. I've longed to feel this way my whole life. Now I know what it feels like to be part of a family, a circle of friends, and part of a group. It's a very different feeling than I've ever had before, and it feels wonderful and right."

Much of our personal and spiritual growth comes out of our love and interaction with others. The more open our hearts are, the stronger will be our connection to one another. The more connected we are, the more we can give and receive love, and the stronger and richer our lives will become.❤️

Written by Dr. Bradley


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