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My Inspirational Story, My Journey…


This story I am going to tell starts in 1838 In the beautiful countryside of England. There was a lot of inspiration coming down from the heavens in the early 1800s. Just waiting for those men and women who were ready to receive it, and Edward Bach was one of those spiritual young men who was taught by his mother and grandmother and was ready to receive that inspiration. The story starts with a young boy named Edward Bach. Edward was full of imagination, he loved living in the countryside, he felt the energy about it, and he loved nature and everything about it. Edward always watched his mother and grandmother working in the meadow fields and he went along with them many times picking and gathering herbs in their specific areas of growth, taking them back to their home, and watching his mother and grandmother prepare them through the process of drying them, boiling them or mashing them. Whatever the case may be, they were making tonics for healing. This was done the same way as their mothers and their mothers did. That was the way they did things back then, they took the herbs from the fields that God had given them and used them for healing purposes…


Because of this story, I believe that Edward was fascinated by the process of watching his mother and grandmother doing this over and over again with him trailing behind helping, observing, and learning while finding the herbs in the fields…

As he grew he always had a premonition that he wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to be a doctor that could heal people and make them feel better. As he grew into his teens and finished school his dream of being a doctor was still very strong. He never told his parents about it because he knew they couldn’t afford to send him to medical school. So he ended up going to work in the factories. To be specific, the brass factory in London with his father. It was very arduous work, it was dark, it was gloomy and cold, it was muggy, dirty work. He saw many depressed people working there and probably became a little depressed himself. After three years of saving his money from working in the brass factory, he finally told his parents that he wanted to become a doctor. They gave him their blessing, so he took the money he had, went back to London, and started school. He became that doctor he was so inspired to be, even as a child. He worked hard and he loved every minute of it. He not only became a family physician, but he also became a Botanist. He loved understanding and working within and figuring out the Scientific ways of the plant world…

Dr. Edward Bach not only earned a degree in Botany but also became a Bacteriologist. He made and produced vaccines for hospitals in London and other hospitals nearby. One of the vaccines he made for gut health earned him a Nobel Prize. Later in his practice, he went on to learn and study more with Dr. Hanneman, the co-founder of Homeopathy.

Dr. Bach, for many years, had a vast London Harley Medical Practice. He was a spiritual and intuitive man who realized that physical health is seen and felt. Throughout his studies and career, he continued to dive deeper into the "emotional health mind." He soon discovered 38 different "Emotional Flower Therapies" that helped heal "vibrational" emotions within us.

This short story of his life is what got him to where he wanted to be. But one of the biggest things that moved him was his knowledge of God, his knowledge of inspiration, and his journey of going through the things that he learned which in turn put him in a pivotal place in time and space for others to learn from. His inspirational work has been documented and is invaluable to those moving forward with his work all around the world.


Now today one hundred and 30 years forward, Bach Flower Remedies are still being used for emotional healing around the world. It is being used as a Vibrational, Energetic Healing, which helps to bridge the disconnect between spirit and body…

Now my story for me is fascinating also. I grew up in a loving home as Edward Bach did. I believe in God and Jesus Christ as he did. I have had disappointments along the way as he did. I love nature and flowers as he did. (I don’t believe that when it is our time to leave our earthly existence, we leave behind the things that we loved, we bring them with us through our memories!!)

When I was 18, I married a man that wanted to go to Chiropractic college which was a whole new thought process and experience for me. Chiropractors were still trying to make their way, and there were a lot of people who did not understand them in the medical field and tried hard to abolish them. We had moved to Portland Oregon so that he could go to school. I was young and impressionable about the things that he was learning, it was a different way than the way I understood medicine to be and how it worked…

I learned about energies, I learned a little bit about Bach Flower's holistic vibrational healing remedies through an experience I had. I had some emotional stress that needed help and I didn’t know how to go about it. I was given a Bach Flower tincture, a specific Bach Flower Remedy for what I was going through and I was amazed at how much it did help me with that particular problem. As my husband finished school and we came back to Utah to set up his practice, I decided to go to school to become a midwife. Now back then midwives were not well accepted by the medical field either. Midwives were birthing babies at home, they were not allowed in hospitals yet. After I graduated I decided that the threat of losing a mother or baby on my watch was not something I wanted to be a part of. I learned a lot but I decided to continue just being a mother to five daughters…


Now during these years of growing a family and helping to start a practice for my husband, there were a lot of ups and downs, there were a lot of emotions including depression, love, joy, insecurities, feeling isolated, and becoming frustrated. Because my husband wasn’t home much I felt the heaviness of my situation and emotionally I just went down down down. I loved my girls with all my heart but I struggled with myself and didn’t know how to take care of those struggles, so our marriage ended up in divorce and nothing changed except that I moved out and we shared the love in raising our beautiful daughters' back-and-forth. I was divorced for six years. After six years I met Alan. At that time, I didn't know he would play a big part in allowing me to spread my wings and fly. The hard part of this union was that I had five daughters and he had three daughters and two sons which made 10 children altogether!!

Now going back in time, when I was a junior in high school. I started to have the same dream for two weeks every night. I had an impression that I was going to adopt a baby girl and I think it took two weeks for it to solidify in my conscience that this was meant to be. Well, in my first marriage we had five daughters, and adopting a baby girl just wasn’t going to happen...

Now coming forward again to my 2nd marriage with 10 children. As Alan and I were dating, and before we were married, we had many conversations about some of the difficulties of blending our families. I remember sitting on a bench one day, and I said to him, “I have something to tell you.”

I told him of the dream that I had had over and over about adopting a little girl and how much it meant to me and to my surprise he seemed to know that my convictions of this dream were coming from heaven above and it would happen someday…


We were married for five years before deciding to pursue the adoption of a baby girl. We went through several opportunities but we knew it was not the daughter that we were to adopt. Finally after much prayer and fasting, and when everything was correct and in place with God's timing, it happened easily and quickly…

This daughter has been a great joy in our lives, she cemented our family, our two separate families. There were also challenges that we had to go through with her as she grew older. With her tender heart and love for us as her parents, she wanted to know about her adoption. Through tears of frustration, insecurities, and lack of understanding in her mind, we, together went through many hurdles with Ashley, with our loving Heavenly Father at the helm. We together have experienced great growth from those experiences mightily…

She is now 21. (2021) Has depression and social anxiety. She is still living at home and walking through her journey with love and support from me, her father, and her brothers and sisters. I know she will make it. Each of us has our journey to go through…


Now at this time in my life, I have been searching and searching for help to understand the emotional wellness of our daughter, Ashley. Something that would help support her naturally. I also was not feeling well and discovered that I had Graves' disease which is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. I prayed mightily for inspiration and answers, not only for myself but for Ashley. Through the grace of God, I was led to read two very important writings by Dr. Edward Bach. “Heal Thy Self” and Free Thy Self. I read the books through not putting them down once, and I knew without a doubt, that it was something I was to learn and understand. I read everything about Bach Flower Remedies and Dr. Edward Bach. I cried tears while reading it and I knew I must learn MORE!!


Being afraid of flying on airplanes I still got on one. I flew to England to take the courses to become a Practitioner of Bach Flower therapy and boy, did it open up my eyes and my feelings and awareness of energetic vibrational healing!!! From there I also learned about Chakras. I also learned the Emotion Code and how it works with healing emotions, energetically. I went to school to become a massage therapist, I have also studied IFS, Internal Family Systems Therapy…

I had now learned several different ways of Healing than the way I had been brought up knowing. It was a very important turning point in my life. I was now on my journey of healing my Graves’ disease of the thyroid, which is caused by extreme emotional distress.

Through my journey and the shared knowledge of others, that I have studied, and the love and grace of my Heavenly Father I have been able to heal myself. My endocrinologist shakes his head every time he sees my new blood work and how completely balanced it is!!!

I am continually learning about balance in life and it doesn’t stop here. I am still searching, I’m still learning, I’m still sharing, and I’m still loving compassionately, others that need this in their life.

I am still working with our daughter and I know that with my help she will be able to get through this and be able to continue to see the sweet amazing person she is and be able to live the destiny that she has to live. But now, she is experiencing life that will help her to move forward.

Fast forward one year, and Ashley has learned a lot about herself and has moved forward with her life. She has found joy within herself and now is sharing it with her new husband, Mark. They were married in September 2022, and now live in Austin Texas!!


I am now 68 years old. I have been through a lot in my life with emotions moving through me. Rising and combining 11 children with my husband and all their emotions!! I’ve learned a lot about Humility through Emotional Movement. I had never really understood destiny and how very present I needed to be to fulfill it in the way that I was meant to live it in my life and share it with others…

As I have learned step by step, I now know that part of my destiny is being a mother and stepmother to 11 children, 9 girls, and 2 boys. Also a grandmother of 34 grandchildren and 1 great-grandmother so far!! I honor them all, while they are continuing to learn to walk their journeys…

Because of my life lessons, I have had to learn step by step,

and I am in a place to help them when they’re ready to receive.

I understand balance in life. I have more understanding of my new movement through life as a spiritual, emotional, and physical daughter, mother, wife, grandmother, and a Bach Flower Practitioner. I have learned that force is not the way to the soul's path to Healing, but that balancing Love, Charity, Grace, and Timing, God's timing is the most important part of Healing. There can be no Healing (I have learned) without finding the love of Christ knowing him and having him in my heart, soul, and mind always. Of course, there are still going to be ups and downs. There are going to be hills to climb. There’s going to be cliffs that we fall over. There are going to be times for healing and times for getting up and starting over…

It serves us to listen for the answers. It will manifest itself in many ways. It will guide our life to find the Joy in it…


Just sharing our stories helps others to be strong enough to get up and try again…

Christ is the Master Healer. Just knowing, in your darkest moments, that he is always there, even if you can’t feel him. There is a time for us to learn and keep moving forward in the dark spaces of our lives…

It helps our testimonies of spiritual things and physical things to become stronger…

The awareness of what your destiny is can come at different times in life, some get it early as Dr. Edward Bach did and he went through his whole life working that destiny…

Understanding and sharing my destiny has come in many shapes and sizes, but my personal healing destiny has come later in life for me…

Dr. Edward Bach has helped me understand many things that I wish I had learned earlier in life. And sometimes it makes me mad at myself for not listening to my intuitions, that still small voice, and finding it earlier, but I have to remember that everything about life is timing. We must learn before we can receive the answer. Life experiences have to come together that are not in my control, as with the adoption of our daughter. It took many years after my dreams, so I’m learning patience…

I am still moving forward in my life, and for now, I am feeling the healing of my soul in many ways. I love sharing it, and love talking about it…

I love seeing the change in me and in other people who are using their Inspiration, in their lives for good. It will bring Joy, Peace, and Contentment to all who are reaching to find it...

In times of sorrow, it has brought a closer connection within me, a wider understanding of things of the spirit and also physical things of the mind and body and how they all connect…

I see and understand more of the things that we all are connected to in the world. I have a greater understanding of others who also have their paths to walk, their desires, and their feelings of understanding along the way. Their purpose…

I also love the beauties of the world, herbs of the fields, trees, animals, babbling streams, beautiful mountains, and rolling hills of sand as far as you can see. They each have their unique destiny for their purpose to share with us as human beings…

Let us continue to try to be our best within ourselves to find Joy in and around us in a world of darkness.

The darkness around us is not our enemy. Challenges create change and change promotes growth, and growth helps us to push through until we can see and feel the light around and within us. Make an effort to find the beacon of light within you. Sometimes even the smallest of gestures from someone else can help us to move to do amazing things.

One step at a time is all it takes to find JOY in the moments that create the rhythms of life, your time here on earth…

Debra Rudd

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