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Perspective On How Emotions Affect Health.

In the movie, Eat, Pray, and Love, Julia Roberts visits a wise man in Bali, and he advises her not to try so hard to meditate. Don't be so uptight, (angry or mad) let it happen naturally. In fact, he suggests to her, to smile with her liver!! If you believe that this is just a metaphor, let's look at the other end of the spectrum to prove just how critical this is...

Let us say you hold a negative emotion towards someone, something, or some event in your life. Each time you think of that, your whole body relives the emotional upheaval of that association. Your mind doesn't know if the event is happening in real life or if it is being replayed. So it produces the same stress hormones namely Cortisol, over and over again. Each and every cell of your body starts feeling the same emotion of let's say "Hatred" and "Fear" towards that event, person, or experience. Imagine holding that negative energy from childhood...

The body isn't at ease now, this is a state when "dis-ease" sets in. Dis-ease starts to break down your body. In many cases your heart races, your breathing is stressed, your stomach hurts, you have headaches, your eyes get tired, and you feel tired. Your liver is having a hard time keeping up with the emotion of "Hate and Fear." Hate and Fear are the very opposite of Love and Joy...

(Bach Flower's remedy for Hate and Fear, is, Holly & Mimulus...) There are other Bach Flower remedies under Fear. Mimulus is just one of them. Find the fear remedy you need...

If you continue to live in that state, your cells are now getting conditioned to stay in that same state. The health of a person depends on how well all the systems of the body, the 6 trillion cells, play in the melody of harmony together. When the cells are living in a state of Fear and Hatred, they soon start exhibiting that emotion, while killing your own healthy cells in your body. This leads to many forms of auto-immune diseases.

You are not a drop in the ocean, you are an ocean, in every drop, Be careful of your thoughts, your feelings, and your emotions. Forgiving people, is very hard sometimes, especially if you feel they don't deserve it. Forgiving is healing to all involved, and most of all, you deserve it too...

Say to yourself or to another, "Today I decide to forgive you because our souls deserve it...

When you forgive yourself or someone else you are releasing the heavy negative energy within you and giving your soul space to breathe and start a new...


Your WORDS have Power...

Use them WISELY...


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