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Prayer For Guidance

Be Thoughtful, Be Direct, Be Thankful, Be Gracious


As you pray, offer a prayer for guidance, be specific. Pray for Emotional and Physical health. Ask for the guidance and support you need to help support what you are struggling with. You could ask for your nerves to unwind so they can find peace. Pray for your Physical Body to support and sustain you in all its daily functions. Ask that your Eyes may be protected to be able to see your physical world and also see the things that are unseen in this world with your spiritual sight. Pray that your Eyes will have a clear vision for you personally and those you love.

Ask that your Muscles can be strong enough to be able to carry and support not only your body but other things that weigh heavy upon your mind and soul so that you may be able to find peace, strength, and courage. Pray for your Heart that it stays strong and pumps vitality through your core. Pray that your Heart will find compassion and love for yourself and others.

Pray that your Mind will be sharp, that it will know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. Pray for Understanding; Pray to find purpose in your life. Be Witty and Jovial so that your Mind and Heart can find Joy and your Lungs can find Breath to “Laugh out Loud.”

Pray that your body can find a beautiful connection with your Divine Spirit. Let them ebb and flow freely, together in support of each other, and pray for understanding of your journey here on earth, that you may live it together as a well-polished symphony.

Brain: Your brain holds all information that is said and done throughout your life. It helps you think through things before you do them, be it right or wrong for you. But there is a master brain or a “Spirit Brain” that takes over when it needs to teach and align you to knowledge and truth, sometimes beyond your understanding, but something to work towards, which in turn enlightens your body and soul.

Eyes: Your eyes take in so much data every second of the day. It helps you to be safe and see the beauty of the earth all around you. It helps you to see others. Seeing something beautiful can charge our lungs and our hearts with joy and contentment. They work in tandem with each other. Your eyes, through compassion, can see past the physical and into the pain, sadness, or joy of another. Your eyes can read words that have been written to help you learn and become more intelligent and more gracious as you walk this earth.

Ears: Your ears help to hear the noise around you. The diversity of voices from others are the words that are said for our protection and love, or hatred and pain. Be careful the things you say because once you say it, you can never take it back. Sometimes, it’s hard to hear things that people say about you. Our spiritual ears can hear the voices all around us. The Voices from above and below keep us in the loop as to what’s going on. Our physical and spiritual ears can help to protect us.

Mouth: Your mouth breaks down the food that you eat to help sustain your body. Your mouth was also meant to speak kind words of wisdom for yourself and others. But sometimes, we use our words to tear down ourselves or another. As you are guided from within, you will learn compassion for one another, the lifting up instead of the tearing down. Your mouth can speak the truth, and it can teach and console those in need. Your mouth can bring forth beautiful tones through song and praise. It can speak softly and tenderly, and it sometimes gives loving kisses.

Heart: Your heart is your life support here on earth. It is the remembrance of love and compassion that brings warmth to your body and soul. Your heart carries the pains of difficulties, struggles, and sufferings, as well as joys, contentment, and laughter. It is the heart of the soul which is fiercely connected to Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Lungs: Your lungs bring in breath to sustain you for your survival here on earth. They also breathe in and out heavy sighs to help alleviate the pains of sorrow and grief. The pains that are intertwined with your physical and spiritual parts.

Organ: Your many organs sustain you so your body can function in this world.

Arms and Legs: Your arms and legs are the strength of your body and soul; your legs keep you moving forward, and your arms hold light or heavy loads. Your arms cradle your babies, they embrace your loved ones, they create things that you thought you could only dream of, they serve others, and they let your hands wipe away sad tears.

Your legs carry you through your daily life; they sustain you not only physically but spiritually as they move you forward. They strive to walk the path of things that you need to learn physically and spiritually. They take you down paths of beauty in nature or sadness and pain, all of which you will gain wisdom along the way. They are sturdy and strong enough to hold all of who you are.

All parts of our body sustain us in life and protect us along the way while learning the things we need to learn. We learn not only physically but spiritually. When we lose a part of our physical body that does not function as well, other parts within us will lift, sustain, and support that part physically and spiritually. For we were spiritual before we were born physically, they work together as a fine-tuned instrument.

“When and if we ever lose the function of one or more of our body parts, do not fear, for we have a divine Spirit within us. The love of Jesus Christ is divinely taking care of us through our senses, our divine nature, and our knowledge of the language of the spirit. Spirit to spirit continues to connect us in life and death.”

Debra Rudd

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