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Self Growth...

We change as we confront and conquer challenges. To change is to ‘bend’ or ‘adapt.’ A once dormant seed transforms into a seedling that bends and turns as it pushes through the earth to fulfill its purpose. Challenges create change, and change promotes growth. Setting goals is a way to create challenges purposely. Goals, like water, have the power to sustain us. Well-planned Goals empower us to go over, under, and around obstacles. Gifts and talents provide the fuel for goal achievement, but unless a gift is developed, it deteriorates. It’s the law of atrophy, “use it or lose it.” Atrophy means wasting away. Talents, like muscles, waste away from lack of use. When muscles are challenged and strained, they grow stronger.

Resist and expand… Change and grow… Stretch and develop… That is the true essence of humility. By identifying the specific gifts you would most like to expand, you must embark on a journey of self-mastery and make your life a masterpiece.

To help you in this growth or mastery in your life, there are Bach Flower Remedies that can help this process. Some of the remedies are deeper than others, some treat more superficial characteristics. Each one has a Positive and a Negative aspect. When looking inward, we tend to look more at the negative aspect because this is what we are trying to overcome, we are trying to encourage the other side, the positive side.

The negative aspect of Wild Oat, for instance, is uncertainty about what to do and an inability to put down roots and grow. This often applies to people who cannot decide what their life course should be. You are then trying to encourage the" Wild Oat" personality emotion to settle down and grow, this is the positive aspect of the remedy... “He that would govern others should first be Master of Himself...”



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