Let me tell you a little bit about two very different men. In some ways, their lives were very much alike. James Allen became a writer and philosopher, while Edward Bach became a physician. Both these men were born in the 1800s. James Allen was born in Leicester, England, in 1864. Edward Bach was born in Mosley Worcestershire, England, in 1886. He studied medicine at the University College Hospital, London, and obtained a diploma in public health at Cambridge in 1914...
Both of these men are Shining Stars in a new era of time. I believe their destinies were foreshadowed by their own personal inspiration that fell upon them. They both walked their own paths in earnest...
James Allen was a great author; having a philosophical turn of mind and a natural power of expression, he decided in 1902 to write full-time. One of his most inspiring books was named "As a Man Thinketh." When I first read this book, one of the chapters he wrote that stood out in my mind was this; "A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein and will continue to produce their kind...
Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may man tends the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts cultivating toward perfection, the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the Director of his life. He also reveals within himself, the laws of thought, and understanding with ever-increasing accuracy, how the
thought forces and mind elements operate in the shaping of his character, circumstances, and destiny..."
Dr. Edward Bach became a physician while studying medicine at the University College Hospital in London and obtained his doctorate diploma in public health at Cambridge in 1914...
It's essential to understand the aspect of our physical body health and our connection of healing through body, mind, and spirit. Dr. Edward Bach not only developed Bach Flower remedies that are holistic healing for the mind, body, and spirit but, he has also written and published many books of findings he made in his medical journals. Three of his first writings; "Heal Thy Self, Free Thy Self, 12 healers & the Bach Flower Remedies...
In the book, “The Bach Flower Remedies”, Dr. Edward Bach says, "Every time a person thinks a negative or depressing thought, it is chipping away at health, the thymus stops working for that moment. It focuses on the negative, and the thymus is continually being pounded. A healthy thymus is associated with love, joy, youth, and enthusiasm, one of the basic requirements.
Dr. Bach said, "For treating any illness, the person must want to get well, and must be willing to take some responsibility for that. The element of will is definitely involved." He continues to say, "We must realize that the short passage on this earth, which we know as life, is but a moment in the course of our evolution, as one day at school is to a life, and although we can for the present only see and comprehend that one day, our intuition tells us that birth, was infinitely far from our beginning, and death, infinitely far from our ending…"
Our Spirits, which are who we really are, “Immortal” and the Bodies of which we are, our “Temple,” are our “Souls,” which make up our Personality. When we are in harmony, all is joy, peace, happiness, and health. It is when our personalities have led a stray from the path laid down by the soul, either by our own worldly desires or by the persuasion of others, that a conflict arises. This conflict is the root cause of disease and unhappiness…
James Allen and Dr. Edward Bach were both spiritual men and were very much enlightened, leaving legacies behind themselves for the good of humanity. They followed through with their desires to learn more about who they are, where they came from, and where they must go from here… Because of their inspiring work so long ago, We are Blessed Today...