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Sorrow Begets Sadness

Being in sadness creates a chemical in the brain that brings you down to a low state of mind, body, and spirit it dulls the senses. Sadness also brings you to the knowledge of something that feels wrong or hurtful. It doesn't bring you to a space of something good in most cases.

Having said that, Sadness is important for a short period because it brings you to a state of empathy which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others and yourself.

But we are not required to stay in that space for long periods because of the devastation it does to our body, mind, and spirit.

We need to learn to acknowledge the feelings of sadness, then let it go and embrace Love instead.

There will be times in our lives we are going to be confronted with grief and anguish, through personal things we are going through and also the loss of loved ones. Sometimes we feel the loss. Those moments of sadness seem to tarry for a while and bring us closer to God. It seems as if the tears of grief through sadness are a cleansing of our souls and a

remembrance of who we truly are, children of God.

Through those times of sadness, we can feel God's love for us and we can give that sadness up to him.

You are not required to stay in sadness for someone who is old enough to make their own choices, which in turn gives them their own experiences. We are only required to Love one another.

Love builds good relationships, good self-esteem, and Joy. Sadness brings low self-worth, can ruin relationships, and feeds anger, hurt, and hate.

So the next time you are confronted with sadness stay only for a short time then give it up to God and continue Loving yourself and others.

❤️ Debra Rudd


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