(The Truth about Bach Flower, by Max Highstein, Psychiatrist)
There are 38 different Bach Flower Remedies, similar to homeopathic remedies, but they are vibrational meds. so to say, that work on our systems Energetically, rather than metabolically or mechanically.
Each of the Bach Flower Remedies responds to a negative mental/emotional state, like fear, sadness, worry, or guilt. These emotional states themselves and the corresponding remedies are very specific. These are vibrational remedies, some call them Flower essences, but they are not essential oils. They are vibrational remedies.
The vibrational property of the Bach Flower is transferred to the water. The water holds the memory of the flower's vibrational healing properties. When you take a drop of the remedy, your energetic field, or aura receives the God-given healing property of that flower.
Energetic healing is very real!! The Bach Flower Remedies work on that principle and they work very well. They don’t work exactly in the way we are used to from medicines we take. Instead, all these remedies do is put positive energy, a very specific positive energy into our energetic field. These energies Lift our systems so we can release negativity, in the form of the specific negative, mental/emotional states we have gotten ourselves into.
I’ll tell you about a few flowers and how their individual properties work.
Willow - lifts a person out of bitter, resentful, states so they can start to appreciate their life and other people around them.
Impatiens - for Impatients.
Rock Rose - for terror, feeling like there is no hope.
Scleranthus - for indecision.
The negative side effects of these 38 Remedies are none, NADA, ZIP, ZERO!!
Every single one of them works, and every one of them does exactly what they are supposed to do. Some people feel immediate results and others seem to take a little longer.
Bach flowers are like a healing gift of love from Mother Nature. When you take one that fits the condition you are in, it just works. Simple as that, no side effects and no counter-indications.
Enjoy your walk through Bach Flower Remedies for your healing...