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- Finding Courage Through Fear
Someone once told me, that courageous people don’t worry about things that are out of their control or things that are unlikely to happen. They concentrate on what they can control. Well, I don’t know about you, but when I’m in FEAR I’m not thinking about things I can control because my emotions are out of control! I am in fear all the way to my tippy toes. Now, I have had plenty of experiences of staying in fear! It’s not a fun place to be and can be quite unsettling. As I have moved through fear I have begun to understand it on a more personal level. I have learned there are five levels of fear which can bring up many different emotions. 1-There is fear of things we know about. Experiences we have been through. 2-There is fear for others. Such as family members and friends. 3-There is also fear of the unknown. 4-There is fear of things that appear to have no hope. 5- Last but not least, fear of losing one’s mind. Heading for a breakdown, nerves are stretched. Now that I’ve completely helped you become fearful of the world and everything in it. Let’s break some things down. Understanding Fear: I do know when you push against something it gets bigger. So, if I’m pushing against say fear of social anxieties, I’m not going to want to go outside. I will want to stay in my house as long as I possibly can, not answer the phone, or doorbell. Heaven forbid, I have to talk to someone! One thing that really helps me is knowing somewhere I do have inner strength. It is a conviction of courage through the light within me. When I am in fear it’s hard to find this place or feeling. I like to close my eyes and take two or three deep slow breaths, which helps me to collect my thoughts. At this point, there’s always going to be a choice to make. If you can’t do it I understand and it’s OK, but the more you try getting to this place within you, the more you will succeed. It truly is one step at a time that gives you the "Strength" to be Courageous... You "Can" have courage while you are in fear. You don’t have to wait to be out of fear to find the courage to make that one scary step. Just one step forward will put a big smile on your face and a sense of clarity within you. It’s like a breath of fresh air and a sense that life is a journey. It helps to lift your spirits and find your way through the dark. "Courage and Fear, Ebb and Flow" within each other. There cannot be Courage without Fear. Debra Rudd
- Grief
(My walk-in grief with the death of my dearly beloved granddaughter. Avery my heart walks with you. ) Grief, brings deep sorrow, a place of confusion and loneliness. It becomes overwhelming to the mind, body, and spirit in an instant, and each one of them will process separately for a while in your grief. This creates a great divide, a great disconnect of the soul. This kind of grief can take a while to process, it is very difficult and different for each individual. It is sometimes impossible for your mind to feel or see your way out of the dark that surrounds you, the undeniable heartbreak that feels heavy, all-consuming of extreme sadness, anger, rage, hollowness, and emptiness of heart and soul. It can also feel like you can’t breathe. Yet, there seems to be a mist, a fog that keeps your mind safe from reality. Your body feels like your moving in slow motion and your eyes want to stay shut from mental and physical exhaustion. You can sleep for days and have reoccurring thoughts like an actor on a stage rehearsing in your mind how this tragedy must have played out. Every horror-able detail of your own personal thoughts of how this happened, can bring on nightmares. Your mind also helps you through your grief, it will allow the body to be still for a while because your energy is exhausted and depleted physically, mentally, and spiritually. Healing from grief takes time, there is a process. “Hope” of surviving grief seems far away. Some can not even recognize hope even though it has been there the whole time. Somewhere deep inside you, there is something, like a life raft drifting in the unknown. You seem to be able to sense this raft in the distance, it is in the dark, in the deepest despair, it is “Hope”. The Hope of healing, the hope of rescue, the gift of light. When you finally find the strength to tug on the lifeline of Hope you can begin to see it clearly and can identify it and acknowledge that it is tangible, it is there, it is the light of Christ, the hope of surviving that allows you to focus to see through the fog of grief, the experiences that are more than we can do alone. When you are ready to find your Hope, hope for a better tomorrow, and hope of understanding the reality you are in. Then and only then can you find your strength mentality, physically, and spiritually. This will pull it closer to your broken heart which in turn will start to heal your weakness and turn it into your strength, which in turn allows you to regain your “Faith” in Jesus Christ, God, and your physical body, mind, and spirit which is your soul. This is about re-finding your balance in life. Restoring the light within you. The gift of light and knowledge Christ gave you through his atonement. He has already borne your sadness and your grief. This moment of allowing your thoughts to refresh and re-direct your movement forward, up, and out of the darkness into the light is when you are able to reconnect with your path of light, your destiny, and your God-given right as a child of Heavenly Father. Together, you can meet in the middle and make the next step possible for you to truly heal from your very personal loss. When you are on your way to healing from a tragic loss of a loved one there is something that happens inside you. Compassion for yourself. You are not broken. Grief is real and it can be healed. In time you will find a space within you, that beacon of light, that lives inside you through Christ. You will find Joy again. Grief is not meant to bear alone. Christ is walking beside you, and sometimes we need a friend, for support. Someone to reach out to, someone you trust. When you have someone to help lift the load you are carrying it will become lighter in time, in your time. Through compassion for yourself, you will see the beauty in the spaces around you again. You will have an understanding of what grief feels like, and you will be able to reach out to others who are where you have been. You can then, in return, help lift their burdens to find their own Joy and the Love of Jesus Christ again. Debra Rudd
- My Inspirational Story, My Journey…
This story I am going to tell starts in 1838 In the beautiful countryside of England. There was a lot of inspiration coming down from the heavens in the early 1800s. Just waiting for those men and women who were ready to receive it, and Edward Bach was one of those spiritual young men who was taught by his mother and grandmother and was ready to receive that inspiration. The story starts with a young boy named Edward Bach. Edward was full of imagination, he loved living in the countryside, he felt the energy about it, and he loved nature and everything about it. Edward always watched his mother and grandmother working in the meadow fields and he went along with them many times picking and gathering herbs in their specific areas of growth, taking them back to their home, and watching his mother and grandmother prepare them through the process of drying them, boiling them or mashing them. Whatever the case may be, they were making tonics for healing. This was done the same way as their mothers and their mothers did. That was the way they did things back then, they took the herbs from the fields that God had given them and used them for healing purposes… WE NEED TO BLOOM WHERE WE ARE PLANTED… Because of this story, I believe that Edward was fascinated by the process of watching his mother and grandmother doing this over and over again with him trailing behind helping, observing, and learning while finding the herbs in the fields… As he grew he always had a premonition that he wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to be a doctor that could heal people and make them feel better. As he grew into his teens and finished school his dream of being a doctor was still very strong. He never told his parents about it because he knew they couldn’t afford to send him to medical school. So he ended up going to work in the factories. To be specific, the brass factory in London with his father. It was very arduous work, it was dark, it was gloomy and cold, it was muggy, dirty work. He saw many depressed people working there and probably became a little depressed himself. After three years of saving his money from working in the brass factory, he finally told his parents that he wanted to become a doctor. They gave him their blessing, so he took the money he had, went back to London, and started school. He became that doctor he was so inspired to be, even as a child. He worked hard and he loved every minute of it. He not only became a family physician, but he also became a Botanist. He loved understanding and working within and figuring out the Scientific ways of the plant world… Dr. Edward Bach not only earned a degree in Botany but also became a Bacteriologist. He made and produced vaccines for hospitals in London and other hospitals nearby. One of the vaccines he made for gut health earned him a Nobel Prize. Later in his practice, he went on to learn and study more with Dr. Hanneman, the co-founder of Homeopathy. Dr. Bach, for many years, had a vast London Harley Medical Practice. He was a spiritual and intuitive man who realized that physical health is seen and felt. Throughout his studies and career, he continued to dive deeper into the "emotional health mind." He soon discovered 38 different "Emotional Flower Therapies" that helped heal "vibrational" emotions within us. This short story of his life is what got him to where he wanted to be. But one of the biggest things that moved him was his knowledge of God, his knowledge of inspiration, and his journey of going through the things that he learned which in turn put him in a pivotal place in time and space for others to learn from. His inspirational work has been documented and is invaluable to those moving forward with his work all around the world. GOD IS IN THE DETAILS OF OUR LIVES… Now today one hundred and 30 years forward, Bach Flower Remedies are still being used for emotional healing around the world. It is being used as a Vibrational, Energetic Healing, which helps to bridge the disconnect between spirit and body… Now my story for me is fascinating also. I grew up in a loving home as Edward Bach did. I believe in God and Jesus Christ as he did. I have had disappointments along the way as he did. I love nature and flowers as he did. (I don’t believe that when it is our time to leave our earthly existence, we leave behind the things that we loved, we bring them with us through our memories!!) When I was 18, I married a man that wanted to go to Chiropractic college which was a whole new thought process and experience for me. Chiropractors were still trying to make their way, and there were a lot of people who did not understand them in the medical field and tried hard to abolish them. We had moved to Portland Oregon so that he could go to school. I was young and impressionable about the things that he was learning, it was a different way than the way I understood medicine to be and how it worked… I learned about energies, I learned a little bit about Bach Flower's holistic vibrational healing remedies through an experience I had. I had some emotional stress that needed help and I didn’t know how to go about it. I was given a Bach Flower tincture, a specific Bach Flower Remedy for what I was going through and I was amazed at how much it did help me with that particular problem. As my husband finished school and we came back to Utah to set up his practice, I decided to go to school to become a midwife. Now back then midwives were not well accepted by the medical field either. Midwives were birthing babies at home, they were not allowed in hospitals yet. After I graduated I decided that the threat of losing a mother or baby on my watch was not something I wanted to be a part of. I learned a lot but I decided to continue just being a mother to five daughters… WITH HOPE THERE IS ANOTHER CHAPTER TO OUR LIVES… Now during these years of growing a family and helping to start a practice for my husband, there were a lot of ups and downs, there were a lot of emotions including depression, love, joy, insecurities, feeling isolated, and becoming frustrated. Because my husband wasn’t home much I felt the heaviness of my situation and emotionally I just went down down down. I loved my girls with all my heart but I struggled with myself and didn’t know how to take care of those struggles, so our marriage ended up in divorce and nothing changed except that I moved out and we shared the love in raising our beautiful daughters' back-and-forth. I was divorced for six years. After six years I met Alan. At that time, I didn't know he would play a big part in allowing me to spread my wings and fly. The hard part of this union was that I had five daughters and he had three daughters and two sons which made 10 children altogether!! Now going back in time, when I was a junior in high school. I started to have the same dream for two weeks every night. I had an impression that I was going to adopt a baby girl and I think it took two weeks for it to solidify in my conscience that this was meant to be. Well, in my first marriage we had five daughters, and adopting a baby girl just wasn’t going to happen... Now coming forward again to my 2nd marriage with 10 children. As Alan and I were dating, and before we were married, we had many conversations about some of the difficulties of blending our families. I remember sitting on a bench one day, and I said to him, “I have something to tell you.” I told him of the dream that I had had over and over about adopting a little girl and how much it meant to me and to my surprise he seemed to know that my convictions of this dream were coming from heaven above and it would happen someday… MAKE ROOM FOR GOD AND HE WILL FILL YOUR LIFE FOR GOOD IN SO MANY WAYS YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER IMAGINED… We were married for five years before deciding to pursue the adoption of a baby girl. We went through several opportunities but we knew it was not the daughter that we were to adopt. Finally after much prayer and fasting, and when everything was correct and in place with God's timing, it happened easily and quickly… This daughter has been a great joy in our lives, she cemented our family, our two separate families. There were also challenges that we had to go through with her as she grew older. With her tender heart and love for us as her parents, she wanted to know about her adoption. Through tears of frustration, insecurities, and lack of understanding in her mind, we, together went through many hurdles with Ashley, with our loving Heavenly Father at the helm. We together have experienced great growth from those experiences mightily… She is now 21. (2021) Has depression and social anxiety. She is still living at home and walking through her journey with love and support from me, her father, and her brothers and sisters. I know she will make it. Each of us has our journey to go through… WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY THE TEACHER WILL APPEAR… Now at this time in my life, I have been searching and searching for help to understand the emotional wellness of our daughter, Ashley. Something that would help support her naturally. I also was not feeling well and discovered that I had Graves' disease which is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. I prayed mightily for inspiration and answers, not only for myself but for Ashley. Through the grace of God, I was led to read two very important writings by Dr. Edward Bach. “Heal Thy Self” and Free Thy Self. I read the books through not putting them down once, and I knew without a doubt, that it was something I was to learn and understand. I read everything about Bach Flower Remedies and Dr. Edward Bach. I cried tears while reading it and I knew I must learn MORE!! IT CHALLENGED AND CHANGED MY LIFE FOR GOOD!! Being afraid of flying on airplanes I still got on one. I flew to England to take the courses to become a Practitioner of Bach Flower therapy and boy, did it open up my eyes and my feelings and awareness of energetic vibrational healing!!! From there I also learned about Chakras. I also learned the Emotion Code and how it works with healing emotions, energetically. I went to school to become a massage therapist, I have also studied IFS, Internal Family Systems Therapy… I had now learned several different ways of Healing than the way I had been brought up knowing. It was a very important turning point in my life. I was now on my journey of healing my Graves’ disease of the thyroid, which is caused by extreme emotional distress. Through my journey and the shared knowledge of others, that I have studied, and the love and grace of my Heavenly Father I have been able to heal myself. My endocrinologist shakes his head every time he sees my new blood work and how completely balanced it is!!! I am continually learning about balance in life and it doesn’t stop here. I am still searching, I’m still learning, I’m still sharing, and I’m still loving compassionately, others that need this in their life. I am still working with our daughter and I know that with my help she will be able to get through this and be able to continue to see the sweet amazing person she is and be able to live the destiny that she has to live. But now, she is experiencing life that will help her to move forward. Fast forward one year, and Ashley has learned a lot about herself and has moved forward with her life. She has found joy within herself and now is sharing it with her new husband, Mark. They were married in September 2022, and now live in Austin Texas!! SELF-DOUBT IS A VERY GOOD SEEDBED FOR PROGRESS, AND HUMILITY IS THE PERFECT FERTILIZER… I am now 68 years old. I have been through a lot in my life with emotions moving through me. Rising and combining 11 children with my husband and all their emotions!! I’ve learned a lot about Humility through Emotional Movement. I had never really understood destiny and how very present I needed to be to fulfill it in the way that I was meant to live it in my life and share it with others… As I have learned step by step, I now know that part of my destiny is being a mother and stepmother to 11 children, 9 girls, and 2 boys. Also a grandmother of 34 grandchildren and 1 great-grandmother so far!! I honor them all, while they are continuing to learn to walk their journeys… Because of my life lessons, I have had to learn step by step, and I am in a place to help them when they’re ready to receive. I understand balance in life. I have more understanding of my new movement through life as a spiritual, emotional, and physical daughter, mother, wife, grandmother, and a Bach Flower Practitioner. I have learned that force is not the way to the soul's path to Healing, but that balancing Love, Charity, Grace, and Timing, God's timing is the most important part of Healing. There can be no Healing (I have learned) without finding the love of Christ knowing him and having him in my heart, soul, and mind always. Of course, there are still going to be ups and downs. There are going to be hills to climb. There’s going to be cliffs that we fall over. There are going to be times for healing and times for getting up and starting over… It serves us to listen for the answers. It will manifest itself in many ways. It will guide our life to find the Joy in it… FEAR CAN KEEP US TETHERED, TERROR CAN TIP OUR WINGS, BUT TRUST EASES PAIN, HOPE CAN LIGHTEN THE SKY, LOVE MAKES US COURAGEOUS… Just sharing our stories helps others to be strong enough to get up and try again… Christ is the Master Healer. Just knowing, in your darkest moments, that he is always there, even if you can’t feel him. There is a time for us to learn and keep moving forward in the dark spaces of our lives… It helps our testimonies of spiritual things and physical things to become stronger… The awareness of what your destiny is can come at different times in life, some get it early as Dr. Edward Bach did and he went through his whole life working that destiny… Understanding and sharing my destiny has come in many shapes and sizes, but my personal healing destiny has come later in life for me… Dr. Edward Bach has helped me understand many things that I wish I had learned earlier in life. And sometimes it makes me mad at myself for not listening to my intuitions, that still small voice, and finding it earlier, but I have to remember that everything about life is timing. We must learn before we can receive the answer. Life experiences have to come together that are not in my control, as with the adoption of our daughter. It took many years after my dreams, so I’m learning patience… I am still moving forward in my life, and for now, I am feeling the healing of my soul in many ways. I love sharing it, and love talking about it… I love seeing the change in me and in other people who are using their Inspiration, in their lives for good. It will bring Joy, Peace, and Contentment to all who are reaching to find it... In times of sorrow, it has brought a closer connection within me, a wider understanding of things of the spirit and also physical things of the mind and body and how they all connect… I see and understand more of the things that we all are connected to in the world. I have a greater understanding of others who also have their paths to walk, their desires, and their feelings of understanding along the way. Their purpose… I also love the beauties of the world, herbs of the fields, trees, animals, babbling streams, beautiful mountains, and rolling hills of sand as far as you can see. They each have their unique destiny for their purpose to share with us as human beings… Let us continue to try to be our best within ourselves to find Joy in and around us in a world of darkness. The darkness around us is not our enemy. Challenges create change and change promotes growth, and growth helps us to push through until we can see and feel the light around and within us. Make an effort to find the beacon of light within you. Sometimes even the smallest of gestures from someone else can help us to move to do amazing things. One step at a time is all it takes to find JOY in the moments that create the rhythms of life, your time here on earth… Debra Rudd
- Inspiration...
We all want it and definitely need it from time to time. Inspiration is warmth, love, and personal for me. It reaches a place within my soul. To get to that place there has to be prayer, pondering of thoughts and feelings, a willingness to listen with my heart, and quiet moments of time and space. A place no one but me and my Heavenly Father can go. Those times of inspiration come for me in the very early morning hours when the dawn is breaking and a promise of a new day has begun. When the sweet feelings and thoughts began, I have pencil and paper ready, so I don't forget the love and understanding my Heavenly Father has for me. Inspiration is unique to every one of us and even though very personal, it is sometimes meant to share. Debra...
- Bach Flower and God
The remedies never replace God. They are the helpers so to speak, that can help keep our body and spirit in alignment with harmony and clarity, which can keep our connection clearer with God... We as humans in our human ways are the ones who move away from him in our thoughts and feelings, it's not God abandoning us. When we are mindful of where we are in our thoughts and feelings, it is easier to understand the information that the remedies have as helpers. They can help lift your negative vibration to a positive one. This can bring a great understanding of ourselves through our thought processes, not someone else's... The remedies help to create harmony & alignment, like a conduit for God to talk to us and for us to hear him spiritually. It is harder to hear him when our minds are foggy and distant with confusion of the heart. Feelings of being stuck in our past do not help us move forward... Bach Flowers can help you with more clarity which in turn brings more harmony to the soul. God is Order, Clarity, and Harmony... Confusion and Conflict are the opposite... Clarity is where God's voice can be heard... Clarity; is the quality of being coherent and intelligible. The quality of being certain or definite. The quality of transparency or purity... Bach Flowers are a virtue for healing, and God put them on earth for us... HONEYSUCKLE... In the negative Honeysuckle state, you are holding onto the past longer than being in the present, while moving forward to the future. When we are in Clarity & Harmony, we are in the present moments in our lives, having experiences and learning from them. We can and should learn from our past which is important. But it's not meant to linger there and feel stuck... Honeysuckle relates to the soul's ability to adapt. If you're in the negative Honeysuckle state, you strive to hold onto things in the past, feeling stuck and out of reach with the flow of life. The problem in the negative Honeysuckle state is a lack of inner movement. You're mentally lingering in the wrong place at the wrong time. Therefore you are unable to act as clearly as you could in the present moments of your life... If you are in the positive Honeysuckle state, you have a living connection to the past, while learning from it, and keeping the things that are worth keeping. The memories that help you move forward positively. Being in a positive Honeysuckle state will help you find more clarity in your destiny moving forward...
- We Travel not Alone...
One of the greatest gifts given to us is to know that we travel not alone but in the company of others. We are shaped by the hands we hold in ours, and our hearts to keep us warm. We're not defined by the things that make us separate and distinct but by the moments we share, and the memories we make. We should cherish those moments... God has given us our free agency to choose what we want to do, to choose who we want to be, to choose who we want to be with and choose how we want to act. He's also giving us guidelines to make choices that can make us Happy, bring us Joy, bring us Peace, and brings us, Love... We all have been given the light of Christ within us when we were born. We all have different opinions and different ways of receiving things that we learn through and, around the people we live with or spend our time with. If we can but learn to listen with our heart instead of our ears, hold fast to the Love and Compassion for ourselves and for others and teach with Grace, and have the courage to do what is right with the power of God's Grace and Love... Well; we together can move mountains, unite better, have more friends than enemies, have fewer fears, anxieties, and insecurities, and replace them with our personal spiritual rights of divine nature that we hold within us. Hold tight to what Jesus taught. Love One Another... We travel not alone... Debra
- As a Man Thinketh
(James Allan - 1864-1912) Thought and Purpose... Until "Thought is linked with Purpose," there is no intelligent accomplishment. When the majority of thought is allowed to drift upon the ocean of life, it will then aimlessly become a vice. (It becomes a substitute for something better.) They who have no central purpose in their lives fall an easy prey to "Pretty Worries, Fears, Troubles, and Self Pitying," all of which are indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins (negative thoughts) by a different route, to "Failure, Unhappiness, and Loss." For Weakness cannot persist in a power-evolving universe. A man should conceive of himself as his own author of life. As if his purpose in his heart helped him to set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the central point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual idea, or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being, but whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty and devote himself to its attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into "Fantasies, Longings, and Imaginations." This is the Royal Road to Self-Control and True Consideration of Thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must until weakness is overcome), the strength of character gained "Will" be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumphs. The Weakest Soul knows its own weaknesses, but deep inside, it can look "Past" them. Believing this truth, that strength can only be developed by effort and patience, it will at once begin to exert itself, and thus believing, adding effort to effort, practice to practice, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will, at last, grow divinely strong. As the "Physically" weak man can make himself strong through careful and patient training, the man with weak "Thoughts" can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking. To put away aimlessness, a weakness, and to begin to "Think with Purpose" is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment, and those who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, will accomplish masterfully. Having Conceived of his Purpose, a man should Mentally mark out a Straight Pathway to its Achievement, looking neither to the right nor to the left. Doubts and Fears should be rigorously executed; they are disintegrating elements that break up a straight line of effort, rendering it crooked, ineffectual, and useless. Thoughts of Doubt and Fear never accomplish anything and never can. They always lead to Failure. But, Purpose, Energy, Power to do, and all Strong thoughts cease when Doubt and Fear creep in. The Will "To do springs from the knowledge that we "Can Do." Doubt and Fear are the great enemies of Knowledge, and he who encourages them, who does not slay them, "Will" prevent his accomplishments at every stop. "He who has conquered Doubt and Fear has conquered Failure." His every thought is aligned with Power, and all difficulties are bravely met and wisely overcome. His purposes are seasonably planted, and they "Bloom" and bring forth fruit which does not fall permanently to the ground. Thought, "Aligned Fearlessly to Purpose, Becomes a Creative Force." He who knows this is ready to become something higher and stronger than a mere bundle of wavering thoughts and fluctuating sensations; he who does this has become the Conscious and Intelligent Welder of his or her own Mental Powers. James Allen (philosopher)
- Food For Thought
The Effect of Thought on Health and Body The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. Health, like circumstances, is rooted in thought. Strong, Pure, and Happy thoughts build up the body in Vigor and Grace. The body is a delicate instrument that responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it. If you would perfect your body, then Guard your Mind. If you would renew your body, then Beautify your Mind. Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, and despondency will rob the body of its Health and Grace. Words by James Allen (As a Man Thinketh) How are You Linking Your Emotional Information? We do not retain information without feelings (emotions) attached to it. So how are you linking your emotional information from the outside world? Here are a few things to think about. Do you focus on your past? Keyword, Focus. A good mantra would be, “My past does not equal my future.” Every day is a chance to start over. From the minute you wake up, you make choices. Learning how to let go of the past means breaking bad patterns and focusing on creating the life you deserve. Honeysuckle Embrace your life. The past is never a loss to us. We carry it with us everywhere we go. It is in every cell of our Body and our Soul. It is where we have been; it is where we learn to love; it is where we made our mistakes and where we can consign them. The gift is knowing the present, we will soon pass, and the way we embrace life has the power to change everything. How are you embracing your life today? Chestnut Bud Try focusing to be mindful of the present. The present is where you should be now - moving forward. There is nothing more powerful than the human soul rooted in the present moment, free from the past and the future. Saying that our past Is important to remember and learn from instead of living it day by day. It will help you create better learning experiences in your present, which will help to fulfill better choices going forward towards your future. Clematis Teach yourself to be in the present, the moment you are living now. If you want more Joy, more Happiness, more Fulfillment, engage with them in your real-life present time! Beware of your phone screen! How much time are you spending on it? What are you learning from it? Are you choosing things to help you to become a better person? Are you choosing things that will help lift you and bring more Joy and Happiness to your life? Are you becoming more efficient within your own creative self? Or, are you giving into the temptations of technology that can move you out of your present reality to become someone you're not? Centaury I'm not saying that technology is bad; it is frankly quite amazing. But what are you spending most of your time doing when you're surfing the technology that is everywhere for you to see or participate in? Do you ask yourself; What am I choosing to look at? What are the negative mental effects of technology? The most negative talked about effects of technology on mental health emotions are feelings of missing out, which increases the risk of depression and anxiety. Does it sometimes bring Fear? Do you sometimes ask yourself, where do I go from here? Will I ever find Joy in my life again? Mimulus Is it hard for you to Bring the Intentions of your past to the moment you are in now, your present time, and if so, what are you bringing with you that is creating better experiences for your present moments in time? Or are you judging yourself against someone else on a daily basis? And if you are doing that, how is that helping your self-esteem? So who are you? Are you allowing your true self to be the person you were meant to be? Larch | Pine Look around you and find the beauty that surrounds you. When you are always looking back, it can create fear of what lies ahead, which will create a loss of interest in the present, which slows down your vital forces. What you want to bring forward from the past is your experience of essential values, which can be helpful in your progression forward for your mental states of mind to find joy and contentment within during your journey forward. Wild Oat Be purposeful in choosing the friends that surround you. Good friends will help lift each other to be better than they think they can be. Learn that Self-Control is Strength, Right thought is Mastery, and Calmness is Power. Say to your heart, "Peace, be Still." You've Got This!! Mustard Debra
- Bridging The Gap
Let The Water Flow Collective Thoughts with Emotional Movement in Life Emotional movement in life is fluid, it moves through the conscious and subconscious mind. Can it be harnessed or categorized? I would say that the subconscious mind holds all memory. Still, suppose the memory is worth keeping, if the memory is joyful enough or hurtful enough if it pushes against the outer edges of your existence, then yes. In that case, it is digested and stored in the subconscious mind and then categorized in the conscious mind, which affects the body and spirit, which is the soul. Being emotionally fluid is a continuing interchange of thought forces that move like water (like waves of an ocean) even when the boundaries of our minds harness it. Like the earth that holds boundaries for lakes and oceans or something more simple, like a glass for water. The emotional movement of your thought is only available to you. No one else can hear the movement of your inner conversations, be it about yourself or another. Be it hurtful or compassionate, love or hate, uncertainty or courageousness, fear or peace. (Others can feel your thoughts energetically through body movements but cannot internalize your thoughts word for word.) God, our Father, is a part of our spiritual movement, for he knows all our joys and happiness, sorrows and pain through our connective spirits that we share as Father-daughter and Father-son. He speaks to us intimately and softly through the spirit. Boundaries are firm, they are protective. Emotional boundaries are made to harness and hold the fluidity of our very personal emotional movement within until we choose to speak it out loud. Emotional movement within makes us who we are. Our thoughts can change our emotional movement at any given moment. Without protecting our emotional boundaries, the inner vulnerable parts of us, the inner thoughts we tell ourselves, the inner thoughts we are not yet ready to reveal, “well then,” we could not hold Hope and Faith, which are most vital to our existence. Hope and Faith are our emotional movements moving forward. Faith is the result of a current belief system that our (emotional boundaries) help to hold safe within while the movement of our inner mortal thoughts mingles with our spiritual thoughts. Then and only then will our thoughts shape our experiences on the outside, by the thoughts we hold within, or we speak out loud. Holding Faith in something good creates peace and harmony within, which shows unity with God. Whereas Hope is a product of desiring a future state of affairs, the light on the horizon, and a better tomorrow. What are good emotional boundaries? They can be goals, talents, mentors, personal spiritual experiences, parents, good friends, etc. Good boundaries in our emotional movement can help our thoughts and feelings lead us to more love, compassion, and grace. The things that lift our souls and give us a new look, a better look, or a perspective in our life. I believe that every fluid emotional movement in our lives creates the memory of who we are, through the steps we take, that move us forward in each moment of our lives. Sometimes we are aware of this flow in and around us, and sometimes, we’re not. There must be a desire, of wanting, to know things beyond our physical capacities to understand. When we reach that space within us, it is familiar, it is warm, it is safe, it is Inspiring, it is from above, it is guided through the Holy Ghost of things we are to learn and know of for our eternal growth, our destiny. It will help us on a spiritual level which is connected with our physical learning. Our spirit within us is also fluid but has No boundaries. It holds memory beyond this mortal life. Before and aft. Through our fluid emotional movement, DNA is passed down from mortal ancestor to mortal ancestor back to Adam and Eve. It makes sense that we also carry within us spiritual DNA from God the Father and Heavenly Mother, as we are their heirs, their spirit children. At this point, you are probably thinking, “how does she know all this stuff is true?” I will be the first to say I don’t know all things. Still, I have an inquisitive mind that leads me to figure things out through inspiration and also by reading and learning from others who are inspirationally compelled to learn and gain knowledge. It is coming from somewhere. It is a gift from above. Let’s shift a little here. I have been talking to you about the emotional and spiritual fluidity of movement within us that moves like water. I ask the question, “Does water hold memory?” Our bodies are 60 to 70% water. Water cleanses the body and spirit spiritually through baptism and the sacrament. In ancient times in Jerusalem, washing the feet of someone with water was a purification for the cleansing of hands, feet, and the soul. There are bathing rituals that also cleanse the body and soul. Physically through repentance, letting go of negative emotions can help in releasing negative memories through the movement of spirit, through the gift of atonement. During these times, we cry tears for our healing. Is it possible that the water within us is an integral part of our memory in motion? Do we know it is a vital part of our bodies? For without it, our bodies die. Does our body fluid hold every Minot infinite second of memory within us as it ebbs and flows? Through much learning of the Sciences of our bodies, we have learned that the body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues, which holds fluid memory. Water helps the brain function, regulates our body temperature, flushes out body waste, and maintains our bodily functions. What are other ways that water helps our bodies function? Masaryk Emoto (scientist) Believes that the water within us also holds memory, emotional memory. He has learned this through his studies of beautiful water crystals. He put water in several vials, then each vial was spoken to, over and over, with a specific word that holds a particular meaning, whether it promotes sadness, anger, happiness, or joy. Then the water was crystallized, frozen. He then witnessed something beautiful in the way each vial of crystallized water looked. He could see how the emotional memory through the words spoken to each vial of water, whether its meaning was sadness, anger, happiness, or joy, affected how the water crystal looked. The crystals that were spoken to, which brought sadness or anger, were very disconnected, abstract, and dull. The water crystals that were the most beautiful were the ones that were spoken to over and over with the words "Grace and Love." Our exquisite bodies that ebb and flow with the fluidity of our very individual spirit through light and purpose also move our emotions in and through us. It is a gift from God. It is one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring gifts of the spirit and body connection. Because our bodies already have light, the light of Christ within us, this light can purify physically and emotionally through the purification of water and spirit and by the forsaking of things that are not good for us. The things that hold our progression back, and sometimes confusion sets in. Even though there are many effects of spiritual purification, one of these is an increase in our discernment of spiritual light and, with it, comes knowledge of truth connected to our light. (Gordon B Hinckley) "Remember that your spirit is also fluid but has no boundaries. It can move beyond your body and help you find that light and knowledge, that inspiration." We need to be able to discern light and truth through our minds and spirit, which work together and helps to purify our hearts and allow us to navigate the growing darkness of the world today. As our discernment of light grows, our knowledge of truth is stretched. And these truths through the light are associated with a part of who we are in a way that cannot be taken from us. (Gordon B Hinckley) For by the water, (baptism,) ye keep the commandments, by the (spirit,) and by the (Holy Ghost,) ye are justified, and by the blood of Christ through the (atonement,) ye are sanctified in your heart, and your thoughts, which quickens your understanding of your purpose here on earth. (Moses 6:57-60) John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture says, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. The earth is a living organism that is gloriously filling the measure of its creation. God looked upon the flood (waters) as a baptism of the earth. Symbolizing the impurities of the past. And the beginning of a new life. The flood represents that which occurs in our baptism for the remission of sins in our own lives. Does water hold memory within us? Sacrament; The bread represents the body of Christ. The water represents the blood of Christ. Which is his living waters of healing within us. Ezekiel:47 (old testament) And God's temple will be built, and Jesus Christ's living waters will flow beneath it to the dead sea. This Healing Water will restore life within the new Living Waters, and on both sides of the river, fruit trees of every kind will grow, their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit. Every month they will bear fruit. The fruit will serve as food and their leaves for our "Healing." For ourselves and the world. As we strive step by step each day to learn the workings of our Father above and the workings of our spirit and body and its fluid movements together, and if we can each day try to create ourselves into something magnificent, something that brings joy and happiness which intern can inspire those around us through love and compassion, Well what a wonderful world it would be. “Knowledge” of God is living water… Debra
- Where Lies My Faith
(Leaving for Denver) Will I make it? Where is my trust? Cried in my cottage for a while and asked for a Tender Mercy for my fear of flying! I also cleared my Chakras, willing to try anything I could think of!! But mostly praying with all my might and crying more tears until they had dried up. Then I sat quietly and pondered for a while. It helped me feel peace in my solitude. My breathing then became a slowed rhythm of easier breathing. Looking For Answers… President Henry B. Eyring taught, “For times of confusion of the heart, you might pray and ponder, asking questions: Did God send a message that was just for me? Did I see his hand in my life today or in the past?” After giving myself space in time, as I sat for a while, I continued looking around my cottage and my eyes focused on a quote hanging on my wall. “May we ever have Joy in our Hearts for the great Creator of all things and his Love for us, who has placed the Herbs in the fields for his Healing.” (Dr. Edward Bach) I had read this quote many times, but this time was different. After reading the quote, the words that stuck out for me were a most beautiful message from my Heavenly Father. These were the words that seemed bigger than life. “Joy, Gratitude, Creator, Love, and Healing.” I thanked God for his knowledge, for his love and understanding of me. As I continued looking around the cottage, I noticed the century-old tear Juglet I had brought back from Israel several years ago. Its symbolism was unique to me. I remember the story of the tears which would be saved in times of grief and loss of someone loved and dear to them. The story goes like this; Women of ancient times who were grieving would cry tears in a Juglet to show grief, love, and respect for a person who had passed from this world. The Juglets would then be placed inside or outside of the tomb for the memorial of the loved one who had passed. Ever so often, someone would check the vessels to see if the tears had dried up. If they had, then the mourning time was over, and the women who showed their anguish by saving their tears in their Juglet would mourn no more. They could now let go of the grief, hurt, and pain of their loss and move on with their lives. Does the grief of the heart really go away? I was thinking about this age-old story that has continued this ritual of saving tears of grief for Loved ones in Remembrance, Compassion, and Grace still today. As I was pondering this, I was thinking about how many of us, from time to time, can suffer from the lack of love, acceptance, loneliness, and grief that can cause us pain of the heart. Some of these emotions can become extreme, and we cry tears for ourselves. These feelings can affect us through experiences we have had, and they want to linger. So, what happens if you are in the middle of your trial? What if the promise, the miracle, or the answer you long for is nowhere in sight? Have you ever wondered where you might go to find the answers that will help you get through the middle moments of your life? (Emily Freeman) How long does it take? The grieving process for oneself or another is different and very unique for each soul. If we hold onto these negative feelings for too long, it can stunt our personal growth and prevent us from connecting with God spiritually. Most of us have been through moments of despondency and doubt. We have cried many tears out of grief, uncertainty, and fear of the known and the unknown, whether it be for another or ourselves. At the beginning of the story, the women were mourning and crying tears in their Juglets for the loss of a loved one. However, there was also a time to stop mourning once the tears had dried up—a time to stop holding the pain, the loss, and the uncertainty. There is a time to reflect and a time to move forward… In our own lives, when will we stop the tears of fear, uncertainty, hurt, and pain for ourselves? When will we know that our own Juglet of tears is dried up, and we can stop the strong pull of continued negative emotions which brings sorrow for ourselves or others? Does the void of tears in our juglet mean it is time for us to find peace and grace moving forward? When can we cross the line or boundaries of loss, fear, and uncertainty for ourselves and know when the time to mourn for ourselves is over? Can it ever be over? When can we be brave enough to give ourselves to God and Jesus Christ wholeheartedly? When can we stop crying and find peace in our trusting of the Lord? How do we bridge that gap? I find it to be most difficult to totally trust in the Lord when I am in deep grief, or I need to do something I don't want to do, or I am afraid to do something scary, like flying!! What are your struggles? What are your sadnesses and fears? Bridging the gap of my fears, between how my mind is talking to me versus the Spirit of the Lord who is trying to talk to me can be confusing. It is harder to be in tune with the spirit of inspiration and guidance when I am in sadness and fear. Listen for guidance… I truly want to listen to the Lord for support and guidance, but my body and mind are speaking louder! My mind brings up every scary experience I have ever had in an airplane, and my breathing becomes stressful, my heart begins to beat faster, and the fear can escalate to the point that I really don't want to go in that direction. I don't want to do it at all! I tell myself that if I don't get on an airplane, then I don't need to hold my distress and fear anymore. But then I tell myself I will miss out on important bonding experiences with family and friends. The conversation with myself doesn't stop there! Faith versus Fear… The argument with myself becomes a tug-of-war between Faith and Fear. What is holding me back, and how can I move forward and out of that space so I can hear God? How do I get past the fear of the unknown with God's mercy for me? How can I still see the beauty of life in the world? “By Remembering God’s Tender Mercies.” When I seek to find God each day through prayer or silence, I can feel him. I can feel his gentle persuasion of love, not forced. He wants to help guide me while I am making my own life choices. During times of crisis or decision-making, my physical mind attempts to protect me through my fear of flying. Our minds do not calculate past, present, and future while we are in fear. It wants to hold us back to protect us. My mind wanted me to remember the fear by pulling up all the memories of the flights I have ever been on while flying in my fear! So I would choose not to do it!! Not to fly. It was time for me to decide between Faith and Fear… Life lessons can be hard, choices can be hard, and sometimes the choices we make Can be Faith and Fear Together. As I am doing right now! As I am on the plane while writing my Understanding of Faith and Fear through the turbulence of the plane bouncing up and down, with clouds so thick you can't see the horizon or the ground!! Flying is one of my greatest Fears!!! But when we are diligent in remembering the Tender Mercies while in our Fear Moving Forward and giving our whole self to him, we are building our relationship with God and Jesus Christ while learning how to fully trust in them no matter what happens. Understanding our God and our Savior's Love… It is in those Sacred moments when we have trials and No control that trusting in God and Jesus Christ wholeheartedly through our fears will help us feel and see the understanding and love they have for each and every one of us. We are building trust together. It doesn't mean, however, that all things will work out how we want them to, but it does mean we are developing a stronger bond, a stronger relationship of Faith and Courage, to see the tender Mercies that have been given to us all along. This is when tears become healing. This is when we understand that Fear holds us back, but Faith moves us forward. If you have never tried the trust fall game we used to play as children, you should. Until we learn how to fully trust in God and Jesus Christ and trust that they will catch us no matter what happens, our learning will continue. Proverbs 3;5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” I will keep trying again and again until someday I will give all my trust to the Lord. For now, I am still learning and loving the Tender Mercies he gives me each day while moving forward after the tears have ceased to fall and dry up. I think I would like to use my very own tear Juglet for the holding of my healing tears that pour down my cheeks when my spirit is most tender while in communion with my God and my Lord and Savior. I feel so much love and peace that they bring to me through the Holy Ghost when I need them the most. I am quiet and listening for my understanding of their concern for me. I feel as though the story of the women of old, who shed their tears in their Juglets for those they loved and missed, can help us to understand the tender mercies the Lord gives us. We progress through darkness and sadness because we are drawn to the healing light on the horizon. Our tears are healing and are most precious for ourselves and those we love. They can bring us peace and solitude within ourselves physically and spiritually. Tears can connect us to our Savior in so many ways, and they are shown to us through his Tender Mercies. Joy in Living… They will help you find more courage to let go of the things that hold you back. They will help you find the strength and fearlessness to move forward like the women of old who, after their mourning, remembered the Joy Living brings. Debra
- Self Growth...
We change as we confront and conquer challenges. To change is to ‘bend’ or ‘adapt.’ A once dormant seed transforms into a seedling that bends and turns as it pushes through the earth to fulfill its purpose. Challenges create change, and change promotes growth. Setting goals is a way to create challenges purposely. Goals, like water, have the power to sustain us. Well-planned Goals empower us to go over, under, and around obstacles. Gifts and talents provide the fuel for goal achievement, but unless a gift is developed, it deteriorates. It’s the law of atrophy, “use it or lose it.” Atrophy means wasting away. Talents, like muscles, waste away from lack of use. When muscles are challenged and strained, they grow stronger. Resist and expand… Change and grow… Stretch and develop… That is the true essence of humility. By identifying the specific gifts you would most like to expand, you must embark on a journey of self-mastery and make your life a masterpiece. To help you in this growth or mastery in your life, there are Bach Flower Remedies that can help this process. Some of the remedies are deeper than others, some treat more superficial characteristics. Each one has a Positive and a Negative aspect. When looking inward, we tend to look more at the negative aspect because this is what we are trying to overcome, we are trying to encourage the other side, the positive side. The negative aspect of Wild Oat, for instance, is uncertainty about what to do and an inability to put down roots and grow. This often applies to people who cannot decide what their life course should be. You are then trying to encourage the" Wild Oat" personality emotion to settle down and grow, this is the positive aspect of the remedy... “He that would govern others should first be Master of Himself...” Debra
- Take Courage
There are always challenges in life, There are pieces to put together, Plans to make and progress to be made. Sometimes there are no prizes. No metals to be polished, No trophy for the shelf. A reward comes with a smile, a touch, a donning sense that all will be well. The future is smiling an opening its arms. And so we take courage. For it is given to us with a squeeze on the hand, or pat on the back, and the magical words utter, “I believe in you…"