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  • Dr. Edward Bach

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  • Chicory | Emotional Therapy

    Chicory I love unconditionally. I respect others' boundaries. I give freely. Group Overcare Negative Qualities Possessive towards family, in need of attention and affection, manipulating the emotions of others for one's own needs and desires, give to receive, whimsical, parental neediness, self-centeredness, self-pity, attachment, fear of abandonment. Selfish love. Focus on, above all, gaining influence, making demands, and refusing to let go of ideas, things, and feelings. Expect a lot of others. Always finding fault and constantly needing to be filled with affection, recognition, and assurance. Expect gratitude from others regardless of being asked to help. Show conditional love, “I'll love you if…” Positive Qualities Selfless love, to feel good about oneself, love and dedication, warmth, parenting. You give without expecting anything in return. You respect that everyone has to follow their own life plan. You deal with your own emotional needs and keep an appropriate distance from others needs (such as older children who have left home and starting their own life.) You draw on your inner fullness and are able to care for others with true love and devotion. I give freely, I am drawing from the well, I am loved. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Pine | Emotional Therapy

    Pine I let go of guilt. I accept myself. I am content. Group Discouragement Negative Qualities Putting yourself down due to inappropriate feelings of guilt . Feeling physically tired and worn out. Joy plays no role in your life. You ask more of yourself than of others. You are ready to blame yourself for the mistakes of others because you feel you are responsible. Always apologizing, shutting yourself off from receiving love, and eventually being unable to give love. Positive Qualities Forgiving yourself is the key to freedom from guilt and understanding your mistakes. You have the right to exist, just like everyone else. You are worthy of love. You know what it's like to be human, with all of our weaknesses. You can accept compliments and rewards. You know where your responsibilities end, and you're a great listener and supporter of others who feel guilty. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Overcare for Others

    Overcare Do you find yourself overly concerned with the well-being of others, neglecting your own needs? The Overcare group provides five Bach Flower Remedies to help promote healthy emotional boundaries and allow you to give and receive care in a balanced way. Button Beech Always pointing out others' mistakes, a bit judgmental, grumpy, and hard to please. Tend to size others up based on own standards and critical overall. Read More Beech Button Vervain Excessive enthusiasm, fantasizing with great power to convince others of own ideas, too much will, impulsive, fighting for the right idea. Read More Vervain Button Chicory Possessive towards the family, in need of attention and affection, and manipulating the emotions of others for their own needs and desires. Read More Chicory Button Vine Ambition for power, dominant, selfish, ruthless tyrant, always right, rigid, tense, impulsive, don't deal well with the principle of authority. Read More Vine Button Rock Water Hard with oneself, renouncing their own desires, sacrifice, great will, disciplined, spirituality, and perfectionism. Read More Rock Water 8 Bach Flower Categories The 38 Bach Flower Remedies Begin Your Emotional Wellbeing Journey We're here to help and support you on your path to emotional well-being. Have questions? We've got answers. Here's how to reach us:

  • Willow | Emotional Therapy

    Willow I am optimistic. I let go of blame and bitterness. I can see the best in others. Group Discouragement Negative Qualities Constantly victimizing yourself, lashing out in anger and envy, and blaming the world for your destiny. This destructive pattern isolates you and makes you bitter. You may resent others for their good fortune and try to spoil their good mood. May be known as the person who complains about how unfair life is, hold grudges against others for years, and never try to resolve them. Positive Qualities You are aware of the responsibility for one's own life. You think constructively, know how to exert a positive influence in situations, and take responsibility for your fate. You understand the principle as “within, so without,” meaning you can attract positive or negative events. . All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Star of Bethlehem | Emotional Therapy

    Star of Bethlehem I let go of trauma. I have mental and physical strength. I will recover. Group Discouragement Negative Qualities Shock, spiritual, mental, and physical trauma, paralysis, sadness, grief, and fear of past experiences. A loss of a dear one, bereavement, despair, anguish, or any other impact of energy on your body or mind that is too strong on your energetic system to handle. An inner refusal on the part of your personality won't allow you to experience the emotional impressions of the moment fully. You want to withdraw from everything and not feel hurt. Left untouched, these feelings can paralyze your required energy system and cease proper functioning. Positive Qualities Unlocking, surmounting and integration of trauma, consolation of soul. You take things in deeply and can sense their subtle differences, you're able to relate to all shades of other people's feelings. You've learned to deal appropriately with your emotional experiences, using them for personal development. You give comfort to others because of your own experiences. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Cherry Plum | Emotional Therapy

    Cherry Plum I am strong under stress. I am calm. I have courage. Group Fear Negative Qualities Fear of losing control of strong emotions, impulsiveness, anger, madness, paranoia, tension, despair. May hurt someone or self. Their nerves are stretched to the breaking point. From a psychological point of view, the negative Cherry Plum state is caused by internal fear of letting go.They feel as though they can’t escape from the surmounting chaos of fear within them. Positive Qualities You will possess courage, strength, and composure. You will be able to deal with your emotions and express them adequately. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Inspiration

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  • Scleranthus | Emotional Therapy

    Scleranthus I make decisive decisions. I am poised and balanced. I know what is right for me. Group Uncertainty Negative Qualities Stuck between two possibilities, trying to arrive at a solution on their own, swinging from one extreme to the other, both emotionally and physically, finding it hard to balance problems. The lack of your inner balance sometimes manifests in physical symptoms such as dizziness, motion sickness, inner ear troubles, lateral movement, and thyroid problems. They are indecisive and erratic; opinions and moods change from one moment to the next. They lack inner balance. Positive Qualities Inner balance and clarity. By staying connected to your center, you can concentrate, maintain your inner balance, and rhythm. You make decisions promptly, showing flexibility. With a wide range of interests, you can smoothly incorporate an increasing number of them into your life. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Honeysuckle | Emotional Therapy

    Honeysuckle I let go of the past. I live in the present. I look forward to the future. Group No Interest Negative Qualities Longing for the past and being unable to move on with their life. You lack inner movement and a feeling of being stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. To be in two places at the same time, bridging the gulf between past and present, requires a great deal of psychic energy. Positive Qualities Being in the present relationship with the time, including lessons of the already lived experiences. You know that life is taking place in the here and now. You have a living relationship with the past and realize its bearing on the present. You take from the past what had true value and awaken it to new life. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Elm | Emotional Therapy

    Elm I have a positive awareness. I am capable. I have inner strength. Group Discouragement Negative Qualities Feelings of responsibility, exhaustion, and discouragement. Feeling overwhelmed from taking on too much responsibility. You are so exhausted and no longer feel up to the task at hand. Brought on by stress and temporary feelings. You enjoy working hard and are predestined for positions of responsibility. Positive Qualities The mind becomes calmer, helping to bring the problem into perspective to think about it more clearly and rationally. It encourages confidence after a temporary setback. You are capable, responsible, and confident. You know your limits and when to stop or delegate. You are confident that your best efforts will provide help when needed. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

  • Aspen | Emotional Therapy

    Aspen I have the courage and inner strength to face the future. I am ready to experience life. Group Fear Negative Qualities The Bach Flower Aspen is for those who fear the unknown, have a flicker of mind, are anxious, have nightmares, or are superstitious. Aspen people unconsciously register everything, which can lead to them feeling drained and fearful. In the negative state, they may sleepwalk or have night mares. Some may even become panic-stricken and not want to leave their homes. Positive Qualities Courage to face the unknown. You become aware of your sensitivity and know how to use it well. You find your confidence. All Bach Flower Categories All 38 Bach Flower Remedies

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