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- Finding Balance in Life
While sitting on a log by the ocean, I was pondering my life, and a new insight shined upon me. The OCEAN If it could talk, what would it say… I am powerful, loud, and serene; I continually dance. I move breath with the energy of life within me. I give, and I take. With the rapture of my soul, I glide upon the sand, then pull back into the whole body of water to which I belong. I intrigue people to ponder, to be grounded, and to think deeply. With each new wave that crashes against a rock and soars high into the sky, carrying its white splendor, I give people new breath, wonder, and solitude. The mass of my body is beyond measure. I am "Living Waters." Finding Balance in Life … Still Pondering; I was deep in thought about a family event that was coming up that night. We were getting on a boat to cross the ocean bay—a 45-minute boat ride!! There was a dinner and a show to be seen, and all my family who were with me were going. However, I was not excited about this boat trip, and 99% of me wanted to stay at the hotel and welcome them back when they returned! I had pondered two other times I had stepped forward onto a boat upon the ocean: Deep-Sea fishing and another time in the San Francisco Bay on a dinner boat cruise. Both times, I felt deathly ill and swore I would never ever get on another boat in the ocean or the ocean bay again!! Now, it’s been years and years, and I have never stepped foot upon the deck of a boat with ocean water beneath it!! Why? I have been holding that emotional connection or experience for a very, very long time!! I wanted to ensure I would never “ever” forget it and make that mistake again. Every time I re-lived that emotional experience, it was as if I was there. I would start to feel sick and definitely “NOT” feel in control. Now, here is a keyword for me, “In-Control!!” I cannot be in control when I am not on solid ground. And you can take that however it’s worth! But, for me, danger lurks beneath dark waters… be it physical or emotional. Thoughts getting louder; The time is getting closer, and I am starting my back-and-forth conversation, “Do I go, or do I Not go? Do I go, or do I Not go? That is the question I always ask myself when I’m not feeling in control or composed. Creeping in; While I was in deep conversation with myself, another thought timidly entered my space, which completely stopped the conversation I was having with myself!! It ruffled my feathers for a moment, but I decided I would allow it to speak. It could be a new perspective, a new idea, and it was!! The thought was, What if I took the time to ponder the thought that I had written earlier that day about the ocean, which moves differently than the earth? The earth is more grounded, while the ocean is more fluid. Allowing that thought definitely helped me to feel a little more in control, but I always have to be in Control. Just maybe it’s “Time to think outside the box.” So ... I thought for a moment, could I still be grounded with the movement that the ocean has to offer? Could I give new breath with each new wave? Could I intrigue wonder instead of fear? Could I dance with the ocean? What should I do? What if I let myself move with the Ocean? What if I moved effortlessly, swaying side to side, up and down, back and forth like a dance while smelling the Ocean breeze and being one in the moment!! Could I possibly be OK with that? Still pondering; So, I decided to try it one more time. With that thought in mind, I told myself again that if it didn’t work, this would be the last time… Listening; Listening, to my intuition, my inspiration, helped me to make a new choice, a choice that gave me freedom to move forward again. I was still afraid, but the fear was not as strong because I allowed myself to see the other side of fear, which made all the difference in the world for me. The Ocean dance charged my lungs. I could breathe deep and then let it out with each new swell that moved up and down and back and forth. I just let myself move with it. It was so peaceful, not fighting against it, that it almost lulled me to sleep. The fear had passed, and solitude had entered my soul. I will always remember this experience when I tried to hold too tight to something that needed movement differently through my body and emotions. What If? What if, is a new part of my movement in life going forward. “Choices in life can sometimes hold you back. It doesn't allow you to find that space of wonder, the inspiration that we need to find the new parts of us, the joyful and playful parts, and the healing parts that are all waiting patiently for their turn. What will it take for you to find the balance in your life?” Debra Rudd
- Bach Flower and the Immune System
This research on “Bach Flowers and the Immune System” can be a little overwhelming for some of you who are reading it for the first time! So just take a deep breath and try to read between the lines… You will get out of it what you need to learn right now, and more understanding will come later. Remember that “Life is a journey, not a destination” Bach Flowers and the Immune System; Researchers in immunology have shown that negative feelings and stress weaken our immune response. The number of killer cells in the blood that destroy viruses and bacteria, for example, is significantly reduced in people who are depressed or resigned. Thus it’s more difficult for these people to cope with illness-causing agents. If the negative feelings are harmonized, however, the immune system will be strengthened and can deal more effectively with incoming pathogens. From this point of view, Bach Flower Therapy can be seen as a new and effective form of psychological preventive health care. From the viewpoint of natural healing, Bach Flower Therapy can be seen as a cleansing and re-tuning therapy. Just as the metabolic waste products and leftovers from bad nutrition weigh on the physical body and can cause disease, so can psychological “waste” psycho-toxins hinder our physiological metabolism and the adequate simulation of mental and emotional impressions and responses. These psycho-toxins are washed away or transformed through the consumption of Bach Flowers. Health in an ideal state, is the harmonious vibrational balance within and between all layers of the aura and the spirit. The disease is, according to its interpretation, disharmony or the distortion of frequencies within or between different levels of the aura and the spirit. The information pattern of the distortion shows itself in the etheric level - which obeys different laws of time in the physical body weeks, months, or even years before it is manifested in the body. The deeper reasons for most diseases can be detected within the emotional and mental levels of the aura as well, where subconscious and perceived reactions to feelings and thoughts are either blocked or stimulated. This leads to distortions in the energy frequencies and hence to negative states such as fear, hate, jealousy, anger, impatience, and sadness. These act through the etheric level, first on the nervous system of the physical body and later in the organs. Bach says that the Flower Essences Open our channels to the messages of our higher self or spirit and that they act in all layers of the aura. While Bach Flowers are active as “divine impulses” reach all levels of vibration, other drugs and therapies affect only certain levels, mainly in the physical body. The aura encompasses all of the personality levels of consciousness and experience. On the trans-personal level, the higher self or “Spirit” forms the bridge between the personality and the soul. The soul's personality is made up of the union between the spirit and body. The Flowers that Bach used are “plants of higher order.” Each of them embodies a certain potential for the Soul that is expressed through its particular vibration. Each of these “Floral” Vibrational patterns corresponds to a matching Soul frequency within the human energy field. The human soul carries in principal all of Bach’s 38 flowers in the form of virtues, the archetypal repertoire of harmonic behavior patterns, ( Things that you have learned from Prominent figures in your life like mothers, fathers, friends, teachers, etc. that have helped you to understand earthly and heavenly things that make up who you are, as you choose your own Yen and Yang. Then you begin to decide where you fit in this life) As you grow and mature some of those things will change through new choices you make. The Bach Flowers are balanced differently in each of us. If for a potential such as self-confidence, there is a misunderstanding between the spirit and the body, (soul.) Intentions and the understanding of the personality, the frequency of the potential will be distorted and will become evident as a negative behavior pattern in the personality presenting, for example as a lack of trust in our abilities. The frequency of the Flower Essence “Larch ” corresponds to the potential that has to do with self-esteem. Taking Larch sends harmonizing impulses into the specific area of the human energy field that is distorting this potential and Helps to hold the positive emotion for a while and helps to keep it in a safe place for you. When taking Larch over time, it re-harmonizes and reestablishes the positive behavior pattern; lack of confidence transforms into self-esteem, harmonizing the self “chatter” into self-talk that is working together for you. In other words, the Bach Flower acts as a catalyst , recognizing the specific, blocked contact between the soul and the personality. The soul can be heard again by the personality. Where there are those harmonies and rigidity, Life flows once again. Or as Bach put it, “A person that wasn’t quite himself anymore is now restored to be fully himself.” ( Etheric) The etheric body, the ether-body, is the first or lowest layer in the human energy field or aura. It is in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with higher bodies of energy. Bach Flowers help to connect the bridge between the spirit and body. Dr. Edward Bach
- Tear, Crying, Therapy
Shifting Movement of Emotions Through Crying. (Looking for answers.) Safe Place. (Where is your safe place?) Find a Place with No Interruptions. This process works well for negative emotions while leaving space for personal shifting and healing moments. Try not to stifle your feelings. Let yourself cry, and let it feel natural. Go with it, however it comes. Sometimes, more than one emotion will come up and seem a little chaotic. Choose the one you feel needs your time the most for now, letting the other emotions know they will not be left behind. Working one-on-one emotionally can help each layer fade away more quickly. When you have chosen the emotion that needs you the most, be there for a moment with it. When it feels right, look a little deeper. Does the emotion feel guarded? If the answer is yes, ask your body what it is guarding and what you need to understand so you (your higher self, your spirit) can help your body through the healing process. Your body and mind want to trust you, and they want to feel safe and in a safe place. Your body, mind, and spirit are "Who" you are, and you are all experiencing life together. Working together can bring peace to your soul through the healing grace of Jesus Christ, and you will receive knowledge for yourself and sometimes others. In this process, you will be able to release the layering effect. As the emotions through your feelings rise, go with it; no judgment, don't force it. It could be a small feeling that does not feel safe enough for the new process yet, or it can be an emotion that wants to be guttural, heavy and very loud, let it happen, and don't hold it back. It is the body's way of talking out loud and being able to release what it has been holding for so long. Give yourself time to process. When you are in the space of wonder write your experience down, you will be living in that raw moment because you are reliving it at the age you were when it happened. Your body is talking to you. You need to hear the things it has to tell you with your heart so your body can release that emotion. (All feelings live in the heart.) It could also be an answer, a wonderful angelic feeling of something powerful you need to feel to understand your future choices. It is essential to listen with your heart. Journal Your Answers Journal your answers in sequence for each Emotional Tear-Safe Place Moment. It will begin to make sense as layers of emotions fade, making room for your new uplifting and personal moments. It's your Journey. How do you want to live it? Debra Rudd
- The Fight for Repentance
(Free thy self) Release your burdens… Repentance is not a bad word; it is not a word that holds you down, and it’s not a word that brings self-pity, anger, sadness, heaviness, and pain to the soul. It is not a word that hides your actions and makes you feel used or guilty. It is not a word that makes you feel that you were or are a bad person. It is not a word that gives you great anxiety, depression, uncertainty, loneliness, and fear. It’s not a word you should run away from. Repentance IS a word that gives you strength, gives you freedom, and lets you breathe. The word repentance doesn’t hold you back or make you feel as if you are stuck. Repentance is a word that moves you forward. Repentance is a word we should all love because it’s a gift from our Father above. It’s a gift of love; it’s a gift of physical and spiritual correction when we’re off the path of our divine nature. It was a gift given to help us, not to hinder us. He KNEW what we all were up against during our learning process of spirit and body here on earth. Repentance is not a word that pulls us away from our Heavenly Father and from our brother Jesus Christ. It is not a word that stains us but gives us Power—the power to move those thoughts and feelings of anxiety, guilt, bondage, fear, anger, and loneliness away from our heavy hearts and minds. Repentance is a word that doesn’t make you feel stuck, feeling there is no way out of your situation. Repentance is a word for “Healing”. The choices that are made sometimes are not working for you. You took a wrong turn off your pre-Destin path. The path you chose to take before you were born on this earth. You were there In our heavenly home. We who are born on this earth were all there and we all chose to love cherish and help one another. Help to lift one another instead of making judgments toward each other and turning our backs because someone made a mistake. (A wrong turn so to say. ) There is a difference between judgment and understanding of a soul's sorrows. ( a soul is the connection of your body and spirit) Sometimes because of our insecurities, we make choices to have a different road trip than the one we had planned for ourselves before this earth life. On these road trips, there are a lot of distractions and experiences that look fun to have, like bright lights, loud laughter, and different food for our appetites, that seem to quench our thirst. Some signs say come and join us and have some fun! It looks enticing and maybe you are tired of the Mundane boring drive of life we seem to tell ourselves we are in. This is the way the other 1/3 of our brothers and sisters can bring us down to their level of misery and unhappiness because of their Jealousies, and Despair of where they are and you are not. They did not choose to follow Jesus' plan. Thus far You made the better choice. But when the enticement gets too strong and the heavy emotional stresses seem to tie you down and throw at you emptiness and loneliness it becomes easier, so to say, to align yourself with people that have made different choices. Taken different paths, and different road trips. Not the best choices. Because their very own heavy Emotional burdens that they too bear, and carry within them, give them a feeling of unworthiness. It can pull them to and fro one way rather than another if they don’t stay connected through their lifeline. Which is through prayer, united with our Heavenly Father Who knows our hearts, minds, and spirits. He not only gave us free agency to choose for ourselves the path we walk, but he gave us, the worth of the soul. The worth that God has given each one of us is non-negotiable it is who you are as his spirit child. It is your divine nature. This God-given worth moves us forward when we make mistakes, Which in turn helps us to find wisdom, which helps us to become wiser in the choices we make. The negative, self-worth talk you tell yourself is not the Worth God gave you, and still gives you. Through repentance, we can see our choices from a different perspective, and that is the very moment that we learn and grow closer to our Divine nature. Earth life is Satan‘s domain, we knew he would be here, but I think we felt we would be stronger in our passion for our God-given right, to bring to pass the experiences, we would have to share one with another and to show our love to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and their gift to us of the plan of salvation for all. The eternal plan that we as individuals felt was right. We looked forward to having and making our own choices for our divine path, for our learning, our own experiences, and the gaining of knowledge of things on earth. We had passion, we had good strong beliefs, we had the conviction that we could do it and wanted to do it, and so we are here. We are here right now still learning step-by-step making mistakes along the way. There are experiences put in our paths that will pull us away from the path we had paved for ourselves before we were born on earth. The things we are here to do and accomplish. Some of these distractions look bright and fun, they look like new friends that are doing something interesting and different, and that calls to you. They are people who don’t give you good advice, sometimes they lie and cheat and will try to persuade you so they can pull you down to their level of experience. They, like all of us from time to time, feel guilt and despair because we are making choices that are not our eternal truths for ourselves. They have forgotten who they are, or have never been taught that they are children of God. When we walk that path of despair, it is harder to remember, how to find our way back to who we truly are. Repentance is a beacon of light. It is a spotlight of Truth, Forgiveness, Love, and Compassion. It helps you with never-ending green arrows showing you the way back to the road you must travel. It will renew you and give you Purpose, Peace, Joy, and Happiness. Satan and his minions are the ones that pull you down, the ones that are going to lead you on a path that you know in your heart is not the path for you. They are the ones who are going to tell you lies, that repentance is a dirty word that you will never get past the insecurities and anxieties that you hold inside you because of something you did willingly or unwillingly. We all have choices in this life. Choices are sometimes not easy and sometimes they are dependent upon the direction you choose to go. Depending upon your understanding of the gift of repentance. Depending upon if you can use it as a road sign, as a help, as a way station, or as a place to stop and ponder. We are here to learn to redirect our thoughts and feelings. We are here to learn to pray for guidance and safety along the paths that we walk alone or together. Pray boldly, and ask for understanding of your life lessons, knowing that moving forward in your life requires effort. Hold on to the Iron Rod in Lehi’s dream. His dream was guidance from our loving Heavenly Father, Not only for Lehi’s family but for all of us to read and learn about the Plan of salvation, the directions that we should align ourselves with so that if we stray we are not completely disconnected from our Father above. The large and spacious building in Lehi‘s dream is all around us, it is in the world. If you choose to enter Into the despondency and despair of that great and spacious building, it can bring fear, loneliness, uncertainty, influence, and lack of trust in yourself and God. But because of the plan of salvation and your free agency to make choices in your life, you can also choose to walk out of the large and spacious building of darkness into the light and find Love, Joy, and mercy for yourself. We must never forget that walking side-by-side in all things for our good is our loving brother Jesus Christ who has already borne our sins and understands us on a very personal level. He is always there to help, so we can find our way back home. Jesus‘s sacrifice, satisfied the demands of justice, allowing God to mercifully forgive us through repentance… Alma 12:34 Therefore, whosoever repenteth and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have Clam and “Mercy” through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest… After repentance don’t look back, because your life is ahead of you… It is your choice, it has always been your choice. Love yourself and let your light so shine… Debra Rudd I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints *footnote; Life can be like a massive freeway system, you have a plan of a destination of where you want to go or end up as you enter the freeway entrance. There are a lot of exits, roundabouts, and distractions while you are on your way. If you don’t pay attention, you will miss the exits you need, to get to the destination you want to find. It can get very confusing and disruptive to your plan. Let’s say before you left on your trip you asked Siri to help. She knows where all roads lead and can get you where you want to go even though you still have to drive through the freeway chaos to get yourself there. Your Heavenly Father is likened to Siri He knows the way and if you trust in him and keep him in your heart he will guide you through your life. He will help get you on and off the freeways of your life and arrive at your destination… He always has your back… but you won’t hear him if you don’t listen for his Direction…
- Dr. Edward Bach's Life Story
Medical Professional, Medical Doctor, Bacteriologist, Botanist, Surgeon, Vaccine Researcher, Homeopathy “And may we ever have joy and gratitude in our hearts that the great creator of all things and his love for us has placed the herbs in the fields for his healing. " As a young boy, Edward Bach was no mere dreamer. His certainty, his intensity of purpose, and his interest in all things, however small, combined to make a character of great genius; Though, as is usual with genius, he was destined to stand alone, for few can follow and understand the determination of one who knew his life’s work from the start and would allow nothing to interfere with that great aim. There were two significant interests in his life overwhelming compassion for all who suffered, whether human beings, birds, or beasts, and love for nature, for her trees and plants. These two things combined led him to the knowledge of the healing that he sought. The one love helped the other, for he found in nature's storehouse the flowers of the field which heal all those in sickness and pain. Bach started his studies as a student at the University College Hospital of Medicine in London, England, His enthusiasm and intense desire to find true healing filled his life to the exclusion of all else. He had no love for city life. He loved the country and all its nature. Financially school was hard for him. The money he had saved from working in the factories with his father from age 18 to 20 was running out. His parents had little money to help, so he helped to substitute himself for money by correcting tests of the students for the teachers. After he graduated from medical school and started his practice, he noticed that many doctors had little opportunity to study their patients. They were taught the orthodox treatment of medicine and surgeries for long-standing chronic cases. Many of his patients improved, and many were cured, but their health was not always maintained. The apparent failure he felt, was because the majority of medical men had little opportunity to study their patients. They were kept too busy to think of the human side, concentrating too much upon the physical body and so forgetting that each individual was not in any respect built to a specific pattern. They were taught to be so concerned with a disease that they ignored the personality of the human being, and he was convinced that in this way, they were neglecting the most important symptoms of the patient. This made him look around for other methods of healing, and he became interested in different branches of medicine, like the immunity medical school. He became the assistant bacteriologist at the University College Hospital and hoped for bacteriology to find the answers to his problems. He discovered that certain intestinal germs, which up to now had been considered of little or no importance, were closely connected with chronic disease and its cure. These germs were present in the intestines of all persons suspected of suffering from chronic illness and were also present in healthy individuals. Still, in the first instance, they increased in numbers; in the latter, they were present in smaller proportions. Weeks and months of investigation followed, and as his research progressed, he became convinced that a vaccine made from these intestinal bacteria and injected into the patient’s bloodstream would have the effect of cleansing the system of the poison causing the chronic disease. The results he obtained by so doing were beyond all expectations. Not only did their general health improve, but also the patients remarked that they had never felt so well before and headaches, arthritis, rheumatism, etc., had disappeared. He and his colleagues were so thrilled with this discovery. These important discoveries revolutionized the treatment of chronic diseases. A few years later, and another school of medicine, the Homeopathic Hospital of Medicine, he continued his research upon improving and simplifying his discovery with added success and even better results than before. Dr. Edward Bach worked so many long hours that his own Health at this time was not good. The great war had started, and much to his sorrow, he was refused again and again for service abroad. However, there was much for him to do In London. He was in charge of over 400 War soldier's beds at the University College Hospital in addition to his research work in the bacteriology department, and he was also a demonstrator and clinical assistant of bacteriology at the hospital medical school. He worked unceasingly, giving himself no rest until he felt so ill that he fainted on the laboratory bench. His great determination was not to give in to his disabilities while there was so much to be done as so many needed help, so he kept himself going for a time, but in June, he had a severe hemorrhage and became unconscious. He was immediately operated on because of the hemorrhage caused by cancer. He survived the surgery but was still very gravely viewed by his colleagues. They told him he had three months to live as he woke from the anesthesia. After his operation, he lay in bed for weeks in excruciating pain from the surgery in an agony of body and mind. Those few weeks were almost beyond bearing for one who was so active and of a sensitive nature, with the burning urge to live and accomplish his purpose in life. Three months left in which to finish the work he knew had barely begun!! Gradually he became reconciled to the thought but determined that if he were to leave his work unfinished, he would make as good use as possible of the few weeks of life remaining to him. Still very weak, just able to walk about, he returned to the hospital laboratories, where he took entire charge of the department for some weeks. At once, he became so immersed in his experiments that he lost all count of time, working day and night until the light shining from his laboratory windows was called the “Light that never goes out.” As weeks and months slipped by, he forgot His disabilities and found himself growing stronger, and when the three months had elapsed, he suddenly realized he was in better health than he had been for some years. The men who had seen him at his worst were astonished at his recovery, so much so that one medical friend who had attended his operation and then left immediately for the war, on meeting him suddenly sometime afterward, exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, I thought, but you would be dead!" This made Bach pause to consider the reason for his marvelous recovery, of his return to life, as it were. He concluded that an Absorbing interest, a Great Love, and a Definite Purpose in life were the deciding factors of man’s happiness on earth and were, indeed, the incentive that had carried him through his difficulties and helped him in the regaining of his health. In his later work, this great truth was emphasized, for the herbal remedies he discovered held the power of soul revitalizing, of the mind and body, that they wish to live and do one’s work in life is regained, and with that desire good health returns. All he had done so far, he considered, was but a step towards this new healing, and he was impatient to begin seriously upon the fresh theories. He told his friends that he was about to give up his work in London and devote himself to the task of finding world types and searching for the future remedies that would heal these types and, by so doing, heal all the diseases from which they might suffer. This took his colleagues by surprise, but they had always looked upon him as a leader of scientific research, a genius who had made and would make, further discoveries in that branch of medicine. His Harley Street practice was bringing him an income of over $5000 a year, the work of preparing Vaccines to send to medical Doctors all over the world was in itself a full-time occupation, and, in addition to this, he was looked upon as an outstanding genius as a Physician and scientist, with an even bigger future before him. What concerned him most in his life at this point which became stronger as the days passed, was that his work lay in other directions and that he would find what he sought among the trees and plants of nature, which were already prepared for men by nature herself, and were only waiting to be discovered. Dr. Edward Bach, then 43 years old, was preparing to begin his work all over again, in an entirely different line. His great intellectual powers led him to make many scientific discoveries, the use of which brought and is still getting, through orthodox medicine and homeopathic, relief and healing to many suffering. Still, he felt within him that divine inspiration, intuition, the true wisdom. Guided by this, he was ready to forsake all scientific and artificial healing methods and return to nature's simple ways. Dr. Edeard Bach decided to leave London and devote all his time to new work and the finding of future herbal remedies. He divided his existing practice among his medical friends and closed down his laboratory. The evening before he left London, he was greatly encouraged by the words of one physician Dr. John H. Clark, who said to him, “My lad, forget all you have learned, forget the past, and go ahead. You will find what you were seeking, and when you have found it, I will welcome you back and give you my support. I have not long to live, but may I live to see the day of your return, for I know what you find will bring great joy and comfort to those for whom we, at present, can do so little. And I will, instead, set up as a practitioner of the new and better medicine you’ll find.”Dr. Clark lived to hear of the findings of the herbal remedies called the “12 Healers,” and before he died, he published the first account of them in his journal, the “Homeopathic World Journal.” During the years that followed, Dr. Bach walked many hundreds of miles, wandering all over the country, in Wells, the southern and eastern countries of England, by river and sea, watching people and nature, observing and gaining an understanding of both which led to the findings of the new system of herbal medication. Dr. Edward Bach had always looked upon healing, not as a profession. But as a divine art, he had grown more and more to feel that those who have the privilege of doing this work of healing should be prepared to give their services, for help was not a commercial commodity but something that was the right of every individual, therefore from the time he left London to the end of his earthly life he charged no fees for his advance and his help either, to the rich or the poor. His big-heartedness would never allow him to see others in need or go without; out of his little, he would always find enough to share with them. It was said of him he gave away more than he had. With contributions from grateful patients and gifts from understanding friends from time to time, he could continue his great work, and whenever he contemplated a fresh journey or some new departure in the work he found he always had enough for what he might need. This confirmed that he believed he was on the right track and that all he had to do was go ahead with complete trust in the Divine Source of all, Which he knew as God and Jesus Christ. Bach eventually settled down in a small Welch Village to work out his theory in the search for new remedies. He had no idea which plants held the medical properties he sought beyond the fact that he knew they would all be beneficial and would have a very high order, for he was convinced that poisonous substances in plants could have no real function in the healing of the human body. He felt the right remedies would cause no severe reactions either. Nor would they be unpleasant to take. They would be gentle and sure, healing body, mind, and spirit. He also felt that a new method of preparing these remedies would have to be discovered, a simpler process than had already been used. Doctor Bach’s botanist background helped him as he spent many long days examining the great variety of plants, noting where they grew, what soil they chose to expand upon, the color, shape, and number of their petals, what they spread by, tubers, or route of seed? He sat for hours by a single plant, also wading through bogs and marshes, climbing to the mountain tops, and tramping 4 miles along the lanes and through the fields in search of fresh specimens, learning all he could of the habitat and characteristics of each flower and plant and tree. Not finding what he was searching for, Bach concluded that the plants he needed would be found later in the year, they would bloom when the days were most prolonged and the sun was at the height of its power and strength to obtain their medical properties to the full he would need to use the flower heads alone, for the life of the plant was concentrated in its flower, that held the potential seed. The plants chosen would be the most perfect of their kind, with blooms and beautiful shapes, and, as nature was always lavish in her gifts to men, they would grow in profusion. One early morning in May, as he was walking through a field upon which the dew still lay heavily, the thought flashed into his mind that each dewdrop must contain some of the properties of the plant upon which it rests for the heat of the sun, acting through the fluid, would serve to draw out these properties until each drop was magnetized through the water. Then he realized that if he could obtain the medical properties of the plants he was seeking in this way, the resulting remedies would contain the plants' full perfect, uncontaminated power. They would heal, surely, as no medical preparations had been known to heal before. He decided to test his theory by collecting the due from certain flowers before the sun caused evaporation and trying it out upon himself. Through trial and error, none of the flowers contained the healing properties he sought, but he found out that the dew from each plant held a definite power of some kind. The important fact he gathered from this experiment was that the sun's heat was essential to the process of extraction, for the dew collected from plants in shady places was not as potent as that from the plants in full sun. Having proved that the sun-warmed dew absorbed the properties of the plant upon which it rested. So he set himself to perfect the new method of preparing healing remedies. By doing this, he found great satisfaction, for the water had been impregnated by the power of the plant and was very potent. He had now discovered the new method of preparation of medical remedies, which he had hoped for some years earlier in an address he had given at the British Homeopathic Society saying, “Perhaps at some future date a new form of potency may be discovered.” The first 19 of the herbal remedies he would later find were all prepared in this way. Bach was overjoyed at the discovery, for this method entailed no destruction or injury to the plants used, the whole process was carried out in the open air in the field where the plant itself group and the few flowers picked were at their freshest and in the perfection of their bloom lost none of their power during the process of making the tinctures. He was convinced that true knowledge was to be gained not through man’s intellect but through his ability to see and accept life's natural, simple truths. Dr. Bach kept journals of everything he did, and as he found flowers that he could use, he would document them, write his reports, and send them to medical journals to be read by medical professionals. In Dr. Bach’s journals, it has been made clear that disease of the body is not primarily due to physical causes but to certain disturbing moods or states of mind which interfere with the normal happiness of the individual, and how these moods, if allowed to continue, lead to a disturbance, of the functions of the bodily organs and tissues. The mind is in absolute control of every human's mental and physical condition. Thus any disturbance of mind, such as continued worry, fear, or depression, would not only result in a loss of peace and security but would be communicated to the physical body through the nerves, causing disorganization of the property of the proper functioning of its organs and loss of tone and vitality in its tissues. But so soon as the mind regained its normal peace and happiness, it would also regain its wise and perfect control over the body. Which would automatically be cleansed of any disease or complaint from which it suffered. These disturbing moods, then, are the actual indications for the treatment of illness, and the function of the remedies of the new farm-a-copia would be to assist the patient in ridding himself of the state of mind that was causing his ill health. As Bach wrote in his papers, the herbal remedies stated that the herbal powers would help elevate our negative vibrations and thus draw down spiritual power, which cleanses the mind and body and heals... At this point, Dr. Bach had written a book called “Heal thy Self” Bach stresses the importance of happiness in life, for not only does it bring help, but it indicates that the individual is living his life on earth to the fullest, and un-influenced by others, in so doing, bring the greatest help and service to his fellow man. From his own experience and through watching others closely, Bach realized that man, if he did but know it, was endowed with all the wisdom and knowledge necessary to guide him through his earthly life in the utmost happiness, joy, and health. This wisdom was imparted to him through his intuition and instincts, this was the means of communicating between man’s higher self (Spirit) and his earthly personality (physical body) and, being of divine origin, should be obeyed and trusted implicitly. True happiness, then, resulting from opening the Communication of our soul, or higher self, which we learn through instinct, is not only man’s birthright but brings with it all the qualities he strives to attain during his life on earth, the rates of gentleness, strength, of courage, steadfastness, wisdom, peace, and love. Unhappiness attracts the reverse side of these qualities: greed, cruelty, self-love, instability, ignorance, pride, and hate, which are the underlying causes of disease. The final paragraph of “Heal thy Self” again emphasizes the importance of happiness, which follows man’s dependence upon the wisdom of his divinity, for Bach wrote, “So come out my brothers and sisters into the glorious sunshine of the knowledge of your divinity, and earnestly and steadfastly set to work to join in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness... The principles of the new healing method are now clearer in his mind, and he knew his immediate work was to classify the moods or states of mind of all types of individuals and find the remedy corresponding to each of these moods. The disease is a kind of awakening. The disease is a kind of consolation of a mental attitude, and it is only necessary to treat the mood of a patient then, the disease will disappear if it is in the early stage. Bach welcomed the chance to study the healthy, normal individual, for he found it gave him even greater insight and understanding of the difficulties of human nature than the years he had spent in the hospitals amongst the sick. Every individual belongs to a definite group or type. Having essentially the same kind of personality, character, or temperament as the others in that group. The members of each group are recognizable by their behavior, moods, or attitudes of mine, for instance, the nervous type was fearful of the first plunge into the sea, and the hesitant, undecided group took some time to make up their minds to go in, the impatient people walked straight in, the over-concerned tried the temperature of the water first and so on each behavior according to his type. The same thing would occur in times of sickness. The nature of the element or disease, therefore, need not be taken seriously into consideration, the moods were the indication for the treatment required, for bodily health was entirely dependent upon the state of mind. The remedies he was seeking would assist in the removal of these moods and so affect the cure. The remedies used in medicine relieve the physical symptoms of disease, but they do not remove the underlying cause, the -mood -and the patient was left without help to rise above his mental problems. For most, this was not easy, and for some, almost impossible, hence the long-continued suffering of so many. With acute disease resulting from violent or quickly passing moods, the organized effects upon the body were soon over. (Such as a car wreck or a must-have quick surgery.) These physical things happen quickly and then are over... But when the mood was not so rapidly dispelled, the disorganization continued, gaining a stronger hold on the organs and tissues. The after-effects might become permanent, resulting in chronic disease. Because of years of nonstop looking for all the remedies he needed, he finally formed the 12 healers and other remedies and declared his work was done. He trained his team with great care, for now, that his work of finding the herbs and perfecting the new method of the treatment of disease was completed, he wished to leave its application in their hands and in the hands of all those who scattered throughout the world and who were ready to use his system of herbal medication. On November 27, 1936 , his 50th birthday , Dr. Edward Bach died peacefully in his sleep at his cottage in the country , knowing t h at h is work was done. Years of his life had been short, but during those 50 years, he had worked without ceasing to find a pure and simple way of healing the sick. Then, having accomplished all that was possible for him on earth, he gladly laid down his physical body to continue his work in another sphere, content that those who had been with him would be unceasing in their efforts to spread the knowledge of these healing herbs. Those of us who had the privilege of being closely associated with Dr. Edward Bach during the latter years of his life can never be sufficiently grateful for the experience. In this healing work that he gave us, which we continue in his name, we gratefully acknowledge his inspiration and help. The keynote is "HAPPINESS." Dr. Bach believed happiness leads to good health, while unhappiness can cause disease. He identified fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions as happiness destroyers. Dr. Bach discovered certain natural herbs and trees that can alleviate these negative emotions and help restore joy and health. By addressing the patient's state of mind first, physical ailments tend to fade away. Patients often feel better mentally and then physically after using herbal remedies. Dr. Bach's herbal healing system focuses on restoring physical and mental health, ultimately bringing happiness and healing to individuals. A Friendship Forged in Healing: A Tribute to Dr. Bach "My first encounter with Dr. Edward Bach at the 1929 International Homeopathic Congress sparked a lasting friendship. We shared each new discovery, united by his selfless dedication to humanity. Dr. Bach found immense joy in each new remedy, viewing himself as a conduit for this knowledge. In a letter discussing a remedy's healing properties, he wrote, "This work is not mine. All credit goes to the one who grants us knowledge for the betterment of mankind." Though gone, Dr. Bach's legacy lives on, a testament to his unwavering pursuit of healing." (F. J. Wheeler, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.) My thoughts; Bach Flower Remedies offer insight into the unseen healing powers naturally present on Earth. These remedies address our fears, anxieties, and depression, which are increasingly prevalent today and affecting the lives of our children. I am grateful for this knowledge and firmly believe that nature provides us with healing. Dr. Edward Bach followed his gift wholeheartedly, guided by the wisdom of his soul. Debra Rudd
- Prayer For Guidance
Be Thoughtful, Be Direct, Be Thankful, Be Gracious As you pray, offer a prayer for guidance, be specific. Pray for Emotional and Physical health. Ask for the guidance and support you need to help support what you are struggling with. You could ask for your nerves to unwind so they can find peace. Pray for your Physical Body to support and sustain you in all its daily functions. Ask that your Eyes may be protected to be able to see your physical world and also see the things that are unseen in this world with your spiritual sight. Pray that your Eyes will have a clear vision for you personally and those you love. Ask that your Muscles can be strong enough to be able to carry and support not only your body but other things that weigh heavy upon your mind and soul so that you may be able to find peace, strength, and courage. Pray for your Heart that it stays strong and pumps vitality through your core. Pray that your Heart will find compassion and love for yourself and others. Pray that your Mind will be sharp, that it will know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. Pray for Understanding; Pray to find purpose in your life. Be Witty and Jovial so that your Mind and Heart can find Joy and your Lungs can find Breath to “Laugh out Loud.” Pray that your body can find a beautiful connection with your Divine Spirit. Let them ebb and flow freely, together in support of each other, and pray for understanding of your journey here on earth, that you may live it together as a well-polished symphony. Brain : Your brain holds all information that is said and done throughout your life. It helps you think through things before you do them, be it right or wrong for you. But there is a master brain or a “Spirit Brain” that takes over when it needs to teach and align you to knowledge and truth, sometimes beyond your understanding, but something to work towards, which in turn enlightens your body and soul. Eyes: Your eyes take in so much data every second of the day. It helps you to be safe and see the beauty of the earth all around you. It helps you to see others. Seeing something beautiful can charge our lungs and our hearts with joy and contentment. They work in tandem with each other. Your eyes, through compassion, can see past the physical and into the pain, sadness, or joy of another. Your eyes can read words that have been written to help you learn and become more intelligent and more gracious as you walk this earth. Ears : Your ears help to hear the noise around you. The diversity of voices from others are the words that are said for our protection and love, or hatred and pain. Be careful the things you say because once you say it, you can never take it back. Sometimes, it’s hard to hear things that people say about you. Our spiritual ears can hear the voices all around us. The Voices from above and below keep us in the loop as to what’s going on. Our physical and spiritual ears can help to protect us. Mouth: Your mouth breaks down the food that you eat to help sustain your body. Your mouth was also meant to speak kind words of wisdom for yourself and others. But sometimes, we use our words to tear down ourselves or another. As you are guided from within, you will learn compassion for one another, the lifting up instead of the tearing down. Your mouth can speak the truth, and it can teach and console those in need. Your mouth can bring forth beautiful tones through song and praise. It can speak softly and tenderly, and it sometimes gives loving kisses. Heart: Your heart is your life support here on earth. It is the remembrance of love and compassion that brings warmth to your body and soul. Your heart carries the pains of difficulties, struggles, and sufferings, as well as joys, contentment, and laughter. It is the heart of the soul which is fiercely connected to Jesus Christ, our Savior. Lungs: Your lungs bring in breath to sustain you for your survival here on earth. They also breathe in and out heavy sighs to help alleviate the pains of sorrow and grief. The pains that are intertwined with your physical and spiritual parts. Organ: Your many organs sustain you so your body can function in this world. Arms and Legs: Your arms and legs are the strength of your body and soul; your legs keep you moving forward, and your arms hold light or heavy loads. Your arms cradle your babies, they embrace your loved ones, they create things that you thought you could only dream of, they serve others, and they let your hands wipe away sad tears. Your legs carry you through your daily life; they sustain you not only physically but spiritually as they move you forward. They strive to walk the path of things that you need to learn physically and spiritually. They take you down paths of beauty in nature or sadness and pain, all of which you will gain wisdom along the way. They are sturdy and strong enough to hold all of who you are. All parts of our body sustain us in life and protect us along the way while learning the things we need to learn. We learn not only physically but spiritually. When we lose a part of our physical body that does not function as well, other parts within us will lift, sustain, and support that part physically and spiritually. For we were spiritual before we were born physically, they work together as a fine-tuned instrument. “When and if we ever lose the function of one or more of our body parts, do not fear, for we have a divine Spirit within us. The love of Jesus Christ is divinely taking care of us through our senses, our divine nature, and our knowledge of the language of the spirit. Spirit to spirit continues to connect us in life and death.” Debra Rudd
- Honeysuckle Cottage: A Haven Steeped in Family Legacy
Have you ever wondered about the name behind your favorite places? Let me share the story behind Honeysuckle Cottage. This name resonates deeply with my family history and my approach to wellness. Inspired by Dr. Edward Bach's Plant Wisdom My journey to Honeysuckle Cottage began with the work of Dr. Edward Bach, a pioneer in natural healing. His dedication to finding natural cures that mirror the practices of our ancestors resonated deeply with me. Dr. Bach identified numerous plants with remarkable healing properties through his research, addressing physical and emotional ailments. One such plant that particularly struck a chord was Honeysuckle. This beautiful flower enhances the power to soothe emotional anxieties that linger from past experiences. These anxieties, often rooted in past hurts, can hold us back, leaving us stuck and lacking the strength to move forward. Honeysuckle: A Symbol of Letting Go and Moving On Honeysuckle is a catalyst for letting go of these negative burdens, allowing us to embrace the present and propel ourselves toward a brighter future. It represents a fresh start, a chance to learn from the stories of past generations and bridge the gap between the past and present. By sharing these stories, we pave the way for healing, not just for ourselves but for future generations. Honoring the Women Who Came Before Me Honeysuckle Cottage is a tribute to the incredible women in my family lineage. Their unwavering strength, dedication, and nurturing spirit have shaped me into the person I am today. Imagine the lives of these women: the tireless work ethic, the wisdom passed down through generations, and the unwavering compassion that led them to travel for days to help those in need. They were the teachers, the nurturers, the backbone of the family. Their stories illustrate a time of immense strength, perseverance, and true grit. Carrying the Torch Forward Life became a little easier with each generation, and the burdens became a little lighter. Yet, the essence of these women's strength remains woven into the fabric of my being. Today, I stand tall, grateful for the stories I carry in my heart. Honeysuckle Cottage is a testament to my family legacy. It's a safe haven, a space where we can move forward together, cherishing the memories of the past while embracing the present. It's a place where we weave together the threads of our stories, celebrating the triumphs, the hardships, the quiet moments of reflection, and the enduring love of family. Finding Peace and Sharing Stories These women have brought immense peace to my soul. I continue their legacy through Honeysuckle Cottage and the stories I share within its walls. It's a space for connection, for sharing my story and the stories of those who came before me, offering solace and hope to those seeking healing. Honeysuckle Cottage is a bridge between the past and the present, a testament to the enduring strength of family, and a space where we can all find a sense of peace and belonging. This is my story. This is Honeysuckle Cottage. With gratitude, Debra
- Vibrational Frequency Flower Healing
If you can liken each emotion, mental pattern, or thought pattern as being a certain vibrational frequency, as each carries its own cell energy or vibration, then you can start to have an understanding of some of the most fundamental laws and how we are each creating in every moment energies around us and in fact, creating our own reality. These vibrations can be seen as energy fields around each of our bodies. Each vibration has its own color frequency related to the particular thoughts and beliefs we carry. These vibrational energies affect our chakras and meridians in our bodies and extend from within us through our thoughts and actions outwardly. Poor health is caused by outside forces, that in some way push us to create our own experiences and illnesses by our negative beliefs or unbalanced emotions, thus drawing negativity into our body through the subtle realms of thought, down into dense matter. (Body) Change our thoughts and change our lives. That’s what flower essences do. There is no other form of medicine that helps us bring these permanent, positive changes. They have become the tools to help us live a happier and healthier life. We can also help to rise our spiritual awareness with Prayer to a loving Heavenly Father who will help us bring peace to ourselves and others.
- Blooming, Moving Forward...
I think one of the qualities that reflects me the most is that there is light and life in my existence and my core, it is strong and secure yet fragile. My spiritual thought processes are extended to help balance emotional movement on windy days. Meaning, Life, and light are secure yet fragile, as the emotions that run through us are also. Some people beckon to be helped but don’t know where to start. As Dr. Bach said so eloquently, “May we ever have joy and gratitude in our hearts for the great Creator of all things, and his love for us, has placed the herbs in the fields for his Healing”. The flower remedies are emotional, vibrational frequencies and as a Bach Flower practitioner, I have discovered that sharing my feelings can Connect us all. It helps us feel less alone and a part of the circle of life. Debra
- Physical and Spiritual Depression
(Research on physical and spiritual depression. By Jane Clayson Johnson) Much of the research surrounding depression and other mental illnesses is focused on the physical and, specifically, the chemical makeup of the brain and how its functions and malfunctions affect our minds and bodies. But spiritual depression symptoms are just as real. We are taught that the spirit and the body united is the soul of man. The two are explicitly linked. What affects the body also affects the spirit. Depression leads to the tripping of our circuit breakers. So the powers still try to get through, but the depression keeps us foggy and confused. There is a philosophical reason why this kind of breakdown happens. The system within your body that helps regulate your stress reaction and your moods and emotions includes a component known as the thymes and pituitary, located in the brain and adrenal glands, which are just above the kidneys. These glands are always talking to each other “biochemically” to determine what’s true and what’s not. As they communicate and make sense of the messages received and sent, they activate different systems within the body to respond. One role they take is helping us determine if something is a threat. Fears, anxieties, depression, etc. From a gospel perspective, this is very interesting because it means our Heavenly Father placed something in our brains, a system that indicates we are under threat, that this isn’t safe, and something needs to happen. These threats are more internal and can come from how we think. Scientists now know that there is no difference between perceived and real threats. (hiking and seeing a rubber snake on the path) if you perceive it to be real, your reaction will be the same as if there were an actual rattlesnake on the path or trail. Apply this to our thoughts and feelings. And it’s easy to see how the feedback cycle can become negative. People believe things about themselves and the world around them that may not be true. And when we begin to incorporate these things into our minds and lives, our anxieties go into overdrive... When this happens, we get detached or disassociated from reality, and we become numb and depressed. It seems to take away love, joy, and peace. It is very important to know that when this happens we feel detached and feel like we have lost spirit. But know that the feelings you are feeling are a symptom of depression, not reality, and certainly not a permanent condition. It is important to know that our physical and emotional states can affect our spiritual states. As you change your thought processes by creating a safe place where you can start to rebuild that joy and happiness through the things you tell yourself, your body will then start to turn off the stress responses, flipping off toxic stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine and flipping on relaxation responses that release healing hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, and endorphins. Not only does this turn on the body’s innate self-repair mechanisms and function as preventative medicine or treatment if you’re sick, but it also relaxes your nervous system and helps heal your mind of fears that cause depression, anxiety, anger, and feelings of disconnection.
- Life is Like Dancing On a Stage
Sometimes Life is like a dance on a stage. It takes time to strengthen the feet the toes, the legs, and the ligaments, which helps to hold you up with the grace of spirit to move freely with beauty and passion for all to see and enjoy. It’s the internal fight within to be better than what we think we are. Still, mostly it’s the hard work, the tears, the practice over and over again and again until you find perfection and then you fly on spiritual wings; it is a part of who you are, the magic within the wonder and the joy for all to see and participate in the journey moving forward. Debra Rudd
- Bach Flowers and Emotions
Why Bach Flowers? What do Bach Flowers help us with? They cleanse and purify us, They bring balance to our emotions, They help us to become emotionally stronger, They help us become calm and less stressed with situations in life, They help us to let go of the things that hold us back and help us to relax into life. Mood depression can be more frequent at seasonal times of the year, such as winter and fall. You can have more dips in your mood because of the lack of sun. Remember that we don't need to be on stage all the time (Heather Remedy). We need to also relax, find time to be by ourselves, and ponder our lives. Depression has a purpose in our lives. It helps us to look within ourselves and also helps us to try and understand what is going on in our lives in the moment. Depression is a Fear stigma. There is a high end and a low end of depression, but just feeling blue is a lower type of depression. (Mustard Remedy) Depression can feel like hopelessness, loneliness, self-guilt, and less faith in oneself; it can feel heavy in the heart, and despondency can make you feel less than who you are, etc. (Gorse, Heather, Pine, Larch, Sweet Chestnut, Wild Oat Remedies) will help clear the depression out. (Wild Rose Remedy) helps you to restore hope and heart forces, and it will help to pull you back to your heart center. Depression can be a spiraling downward feeling, so we want to bring more light into our awareness, and we need energetic feelings or a balanced space to be in. Usually, you can find that space within yourself; sitting in a quiet place with no interruptions will help. Give yourself time to think and ponder on your life's Quality and Value. We all have a divine purpose as human beings, as sons and daughters of God. Emotional thoughts stimulate our body. It can bring Joy or Sadness, Love or Hate, Peace or Anxiousness, etc. If you want to bring more healthy abundance into your life, try this. Every morning, you get up and say to yourself with conviction out loud, "Today is going to be a good day" 3 times, and every night before you go to bed, ask yourself, "What was good about today?" There will always be something good about the day, even if you have to look really hard to find it. The more you do it, the more your emotional brain "Will" start to accumulate more good thoughts and bring them up for you. So simple, try it!! If you're having a hard time with negative thoughts that keep re-surfacing, create a different ending to each one of those thoughts. Something positive. It will help you break the pattern. (Chestnut Bud) And, one more thing. If you want to forget some of the negative thoughts in your past, "Don't live there so often."(Honeysuckle) We are constantly moving in and out of our past, present, and future. Ideally, we want to use the past as a learning tool to do better in the present while learning the things we need to learn for our future. We don't want to be stuck in our past, and there is no movement in that. Move in a way that aligns you to your full potential. Fear prevents our souls from reaching our full potential. Always strive to be your full potential; it's the Journey that counts. Take that Journey with Bach Flower Remedies. You've got this!! Debra Rudd