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I love unconditionally. I respect others' boundaries. I give freely.


Negative Qualities

Possessive towards family, in need of attention and affection, manipulating the emotions of others for one's own needs and desires, give to receive, whimsical, parental neediness, self-centeredness, self-pity, attachment, fear of abandonment. Selfish love. Focus on, above all, gaining influence, making demands, and refusing to let go of ideas, things, and feelings. Expect a lot of others. Always finding fault and constantly needing to be filled with affection, recognition, and assurance. Expect gratitude from others regardless of being asked to help. Show conditional love, “I'll love you if…”

Positive Qualities

Selfless love, to feel good about oneself, love and dedication, warmth, parenting. You give without expecting anything in return. You respect that everyone has to follow their own life plan. You deal with your own emotional needs and keep an appropriate distance from others needs (such as older children who have left home and starting their own life.) You draw on your inner fullness and are able to care for others with true love and devotion. I give freely, I am drawing from the well, I am loved.

All 38 Bach Flower Remedies
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