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Dr. Edward Bach's Thoughts And Findings...

He can help you learn who you are, and your potential, and understand your way of thinking...

We create our reality. The law of attraction is a long process it's how life works. We live in a vibrational body, world, and universe. Therefore we need vibrational healing opportunities as well. We create our lives with repeated thoughts and emotions it's the intense emotions that are creating our life. When they begin to build momentum, we start to experience the emotion physically. That means it comes into our reality in a physical form, then when that happens, it becomes a belief, and it will create our lives.

Our beliefs are our intense emotions, good or bad. Emotions are our creative power, and we are constantly creating more and more of what we are feeling. The Bach Flowers can help you find your default self. That means, what you do in an intense emotional state most of the time. It's your (type remedy.) It helps you with self-knowledge if you can't see yourself when you go to places of intense emotions. Flowers can help you change your negative self into something positive.

For instance, let's take Pine; Pine is a Bach Flower Remedy for (despondency or despair.) Some people fall in and out of Pine's emotions depending on what's going on in their life. And that is normal; we all do it, often moving through all 38 of our emotional states. But if your (Type) personality is Pine, that emotion is with you twenty-four-seven, so you have to work harder to understand the implications of this and how you can learn to live with it in a balanced way.

The negative emotions and feelings of a Pine personality are as such... They often blame themselves and feel guilt, even when successful at something they think they could have done better. They are never content with their efforts or their results.

They are hard-working but suffer much from the faults they attached to themselves. Sometimes, if there are any mistakes made by another, they will claim responsibility for it.

They will say things such as, I'll never forgive myself. I know it's my fault. Even though a Pine personality is always apologizing for things they did or didn't do, they are very capable people. Because they are often blaming themselves, they feel less Joy in life...

The Positive Pine, Bach Flower Remedy, will help to lift the burdens they put upon themselves; they will know they're worthy of being loved and appreciated just like anyone else for their hard work. They will begin to learn the lessons they are to learn about themselves and will have a greater understanding of human nature. They will be better at balancing their weaknesses with their strengths. They will be able to receive praise for a job well done. They become good listeners and advisers to others who suffer from guilt feelings... They will find their Joy...



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