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Bach Flowers and Emotions


Why Bach Flowers? What do Bach Flowers help us with?

They cleanse and purify us,

They bring balance to our emotions,

They help us to become emotionally stronger,

They help us become calm and less stressed with situations in life,

They help us to let go of the things that hold us back and help us to relax into life.

Mood depression can be more frequent at seasonal times of the year, such as winter and fall. You can have more dips in your mood because of the lack of sun.

Remember that we don't need to be on stage all the time (Heather Remedy). We need to also relax, find time to be by ourselves, and ponder our lives.

Depression has a purpose in our lives. It helps us to look within ourselves and also helps us to try and understand what is going on in our lives in the moment.

Depression is a Fear stigma. There is a high end and a low end of depression, but just feeling blue is a lower type of depression. (Mustard Remedy)

Depression can feel like hopelessness, loneliness, self-guilt, and less faith in oneself; it can feel heavy in the heart, and despondency can make you feel less than who you are, etc. (Gorse, Heather, Pine, Larch, Sweet Chestnut, Wild Oat Remedies) will help clear the depression out.

(Wild Rose Remedy) helps you to restore hope and heart forces, and it will help to pull you back to your heart center.

Depression can be a spiraling downward feeling, so we want to bring more light into our awareness, and we need energetic feelings or a balanced space to be in. Usually, you can find that space within yourself; sitting in a quiet place with no interruptions will help. Give yourself time to think and ponder on your life's Quality and Value. We all have a divine purpose as human beings, as sons and daughters of God.

Emotional thoughts stimulate our body. It can bring Joy or Sadness, Love or Hate, Peace or Anxiousness, etc. If you want to bring more healthy abundance into your life, try this. Every morning, you get up and say to yourself with conviction out loud, "Today is going to be a good day" 3 times, and every night before you go to bed, ask yourself, "What was good about today?" There will always be something good about the day, even if you have to look really hard to find it. The more you do it, the more your emotional brain "Will" start to accumulate more good thoughts and bring them up for you. So simple, try it!!

If you're having a hard time with negative thoughts that keep re-surfacing, create a different ending to each one of those thoughts. Something positive. It will help you break the pattern. (Chestnut Bud) And, one more thing. If you want to forget some of the negative thoughts in your past, "Don't live there so often."(Honeysuckle) We are constantly moving in and out of our past, present, and future. Ideally, we want to use the past as a learning tool to do better in the present while learning the things we need to learn for our future. We don't want to be stuck in our past, and there is no movement in that. Move in a way that aligns you to your full potential.

Fear prevents our souls from reaching our full potential. Always strive to be your full potential; it's the Journey that counts. Take that Journey with Bach Flower Remedies.

You've got this!!

Debra Rudd

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